Flowering Azalea Leaves盛开的杜鹃树叶 Glow Berries发光浆果 Glow Ink Sac荧光墨囊 Glow Item Frame荧光物品展示框 Glow Lichen发光地衣 Glow Squid发光鱿鱼 Goat山羊 Goat Horn山羊角 Hanging Roots垂根 Lava Cauldron装有熔岩的炼药锅 Lush Caves繁茂洞穴 Oxidized Copper氧化的铜块 Oxidi...
subtitles.entity.glow_squid.squirt 发光鱿鱼:喷墨 山羊 subtitles.entity.goat.ambient 山羊:咩~ subtitles.entity.goat.screaming.ambient 山羊:喊叫 subtitles.entity.goat.death 山羊:死亡 subtitles.entity.goat.eat 山羊:进食 subtitles.entity.goat.hurt 山羊:受伤 subtitles.entity.goat.long_jump 山羊:...
以上的意思是,在存放实体的文件夹中(entities),在r. -1.0.mca文件几记录的区块[13,29](Chunk [13, 29])中有7个目标(Entities: 7 entries),在这7个 entries(说成目标好理解一点)下中的其中一个目标是一个id为minecraft:glow_squid(发光鱿鱼)的实体。 如果我们要把这只发光鱿鱼给删掉,我们要点击图片中倒数...
只有重生,才能有希望玩下去命令“/gamerule keepInventory”为“true”时不会掉落任何物品和经验,俗称“死亡不掉落”。 [1] 1.12 添加配方书。 [2] 带消失诅咒的物品除外,会直接消失,仅适用于 1.11 以后的 Minecraft,且 KeepInventory指令处于False状态。 二、豹猫 (Ocelot) 实体命令:/summon minecraft:ocelot ~ ~...
Underground water creature (glow squids) = 5 Water creature (squids, dolphins) = 5 Water ambient (fish) = 20 Misc = -1The "misc" category is used only by entities that are not mobs, do not spawn naturally, and/or following different spawning rules than other mobs. As such the mob ...
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Glow Squids now only spawn in water blocks under height 30 发光鱿鱼现在只会生成在高度为 30 以下...
glow_squid 9089 129 goat 4992 128 guardian 2865 49 hoglin 4988 124 hopper_minecart 524384 96 horse 2118423 23 husk 199471 47 ice_bomb 4194410 106 iron_golem 788 20 item 64 64 leash_knot 88 88 lightning_bolt 93 93 lingering_potion 4194405 101 llama 4893 29 llama_spit 4194406 102 magma_cu...
glow_squid;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:goat;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:guardian;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:hoglin;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:horse;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:husk;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:illusioner;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:iron_golem;0.9;1.1;1;0", "minecraft:llama...