边境之地(Far Lands)是一个因负责生成地形的噪声生成器溢出而引发的地形生成结果,该错误使XZ坐标超出±12,550,821的位置生成为异常的海绵状地形,在地形过渡的断裂位置形成直达高度上限的墙面。 边境之地是Minecraft最知名的漏洞之一,在其他游戏中如Minecraft: Story Mode也有以此为题材的创作。
边缘之地的生成原理与基岩版边境之地类似。 【机翻自英文 Minecraft Wiki】 Far Lands 由于 64 位浮点数的限制而崩溃。由于插值器返回的值非常大,因此这些值最终会超过 1.79*10^308,这是 64 位浮点数的最大值,这会导致部分地形停止,因为控制地形生成的方程式返回 NaN。 [1]:开始时,人们以为遥远之地的80倍处...
↑"It is also worth noting that the Far Lands terrain itself is not due to improper float casts, but rather due to integer overflow (a double value is cast to an int; the fix casts it to a long and ANDs it with 16777215 to limit the value before casting (which could also be 255...
【教程】如何到达边境..我相信各位吧友看过中文Minecraft Wiki的边境之地这一页面之后都想去边境之地看看,但是可惜它已被移除。我前几天偶然得到了在Beta 1.8之前版本迅速前往边境之地不用Mod的方法,这里给大家
边境之地 wiki..边境之地(Far Lands,也叫遥远之陆)为Beta 1.8之前版本中组成“无限”地图的“边缘”地带的区域。边境之地距离地图中心12,550,820米,对应地球表面周长大约31%。当玩家到达边境之地
用手机看 稍后再看 https://youtu.be/srkmWwa1lew 作者:AntVenom 官方简介:What exactly caused the original Minecraft "Far Lands"? » Subscribe - http://bit.ly/AntVenomSubscribe » Facts & Lists Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... REDDIT THREAD / INSTRUCTIONS FOR 1.10 htt...
When major changes to world generation brought the Far Lands much closer to the world origin later that same month, however, the world boundary still remained at 32 million, meaning the Far Lands were completely possible to reach without modding the game. ...