The green Axolotl in the Caves & Cliffs: Part I trailer. Axolotl plushie. Lego Minecraft Axolotl. 自 到发布此专栏为止 上一个基岩版更新专栏 上一个Java版更新专栏 https://www.bilib...
Minecraft Wiki 进度/条件/实体distance:(可选)实体到执行位置的距离。 距离谓词 effects:(可选)状态效果列表。 <状态效果ID>:一个状态效果。 ambient:(可选)是否为信标添加的状态效果。 amplifier:(可选)状态效果等级。 数值界限范围 duration:(可选)状态效果持续时间,以刻为单位。 数值界限范围 visible...
墨西哥蠑螈(Axolotl)是一種水生的友好生物,會攻擊其他大多數水生生物。 墨西哥蠑螈以1-4隻為一群自然生成在茂盛洞穴的水中,生成位置下方5格以內必須有黏土。 墨西哥蠑螈也可透過墨西哥蠑螈鐵桶放出。 墨西哥蠑螈有5個變種:粉紅色、啡色、金色、青藍色和藍色。前4種會普
Fishy Business Use a water bucket on any fish mob. husbandry/tactical_fishing The Cutest Predator Catch an Axolotl in a Bucket Tactical Fishing Use a water bucket on an axolotl. husbandry/axolotl_in_a_bucket HistoryMain article: /HistoryJava...
Azalea Leaves 杜鹃树叶 Block of Amethyst 紫水晶块 Block of Copper 铜块 Block of Raw Copper 粗铜块 Block of Raw Gold 粗金块 Block of Raw Iron 粗铁块 Budding Amethyst 紫水晶母岩 Bucket of Axolotl 美西螈桶 Bundle 收纳袋 Calcite 方解石
Referring to axolotl and the advancement "The Cutest Predator" that the player gets by catching an axolotl in a bucket. 1.17(1.17-pre1) 1.17.10(beta 421 Now you are thinking with pistons! Refers to pistons. Also a parody of a catchphrase associated with Portal: "Now you...
If it is an axolotl, then... the block directly above the spawning block must not be a solid block the block directly below the spawning block must be clay Ambient mobsThe mob's collision box must not collide with any liquid. If it is a bat, then... the spawning block must be...
Axolotls can survive on dry land for a few minutes. After that they will start to dry out and take continuous damage until rehydrated When taking damage, there is a chance that the Axolotl will play dead. While playing dead, the Axolotl will regenerate health and mobs will be...
“Shuniji”(しゅにじ)在日语中的意思是“主虹”。 Axolotl指的是美西螈,现在濒临灭绝。 据C418所说,“Mice on Venus”音乐(游戏文件名为piano3.ogg)原本只是一段单人钢琴弹奏短曲,但在随后的Minecraft开发过程中被更改了,加入了一段音乐,这也就是我们现在听到的“Mice on Venus”。[3] ...
Bucket of Axolotl 美西螈桶 Bundle 收纳袋 Calcite 方解石 Candle 蜡烛 Candle Cake 插上蜡烛的蛋糕 Cave Vines 洞穴藤蔓 Chiseled Deepslate 錾制深板岩 Cobbled Deepslate 深板岩圆石 Copper Ingot 铜锭 Copper Ore 铜矿石 Cracked Deepslate Bricks 裂纹深板岩砖 Cracked Deep...