编辑时请遵守着作权协议,请勿从他处复制文字至本wiki。 行为 资源包可以放置在.minecraft里面的resourcepacks文件夹。每个资源包都由一个子文件夹或一个.zip文件,这个文件里面有resourcepacks文件夹。它被放置在文件夹里面后,就可以从选项菜单中添加资源包,这个资源包可以从“可用的资源包”移动到“已选的资源包”。
——以上取自Minecraft 中文wiki注意区别,windows和linux的minecraft文件夹前面有一个点,OS X的没有。Windows系统下按Win徽标键+R,在弹出的“运行”窗口输入%Appdata%然后回车即可找到非官方启动器的.minecraft文件夹一般与启动器在同一文件夹下。 本楼含有高级字体5楼2013-12-01 22:01 收起回复 ...
6541AActorDigestVersion1.18.30之后新版实体存储格式下的实体摘要版本 1106EnVersionEnchant中国版独有 1116FoVersionMarkInsert中国版独有 11876vLegacyVersion一个字节。1.16.100为44。 其余键值 实体数据存在特殊键值~local_player来储存本地玩家实体数据。如果这里存在实体数据,则它优先于存储在level.dat中的玩家数据。
Minecraft中文WiKi:https://zh.minecraft.wiki Minecraft中文Wiki BiliGameWiki镜像站:https://wiki.biligame.com/mc/Minecraft_Wiki 15、DigMinecraft:https://www.digminecraft.com 16、MC 百科-MCMOD:http://mcmod.cn 17、Wiki.vg:https://wiki.vg 18、Minecraft 插件百科:http://mineplugin.org 19、Minecraf...
In your current working directory, you will also find the newly createdserver.propertiesfile. This file contains all of the configuration options for your Minecraft server. You can find a detailed list of all server properties on theOfficial Minecraft Wiki. You should modify this file with your ...
20、Bedrock Wiki:https://wiki.bedrock.dev 四、资源站类网站 21、CurseForge-Minecraft:curseforge.com/minecraf 22、Modrinth:Modrinth 23、PlanetMinecraft:https://www.planetminecraft.com 24、MCPEDL:https://mcpedl.com 25、Minecraft Mods:https://www.minecraftmods.com 26、Minecraft Maps(我的世界地图):...
Creating a Branch Mine is simple. First, dig deep underground until 0-16 blocks above the bottom level. To keep track of this, press F3[JE only] or type /gamerule showcoordinates true[BE only], and the Y-coordinate tells the vertical level the player character is currently at (...
A resource pack creator and manager for Minecraft. Contribute to DeflatedPickle/Quiver development by creating an account on GitHub.
Want to contribute to GTNH? Join our Discord with the link above and read the development manual:https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Development. Resource Realistic Sky GT New Horizons A resource pack created by MajaProduction that needs Optifine installed, you can find it in your resource folder ...
Creating a customskinin Minecraft involves using an image editor or a dedicated skin editor tool like Minecraft Skin Studio or Skindex. Edit or design a skin to your liking and save it as a PNG file. To use the custom skin in Java Edition, log in to your Mojang account, navigate to th...