Here you can find Bees and Warm Frogs 在这里有蜜蜂和橙色青蛙 The floor of this biome is coated...
上个正式版:上个测试版:关于预览版:Experimental Features实验性玩法Frog Spawn蛙卵Frog Spawn is no longer invisible when seen from below现在从下方也可以看到蛙卵Frogs and Turtles can now be tempted vertically现在青蛙和海龟可以一个叠一个地摞着Froglight蛙光体Froglight blocks are no longer randomly rotate...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Frogsare a new mob that spawns in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps on Grass, Mud, Mangrove Roots, and Muddy Mangrove Roots. Below you'll find everything a frog can do. Frogs can croak Frogs can walk on land, swim, and jump Frogs can eat small Slimes, causing a Slime Ball to drop ...
There are three different types to discover – temperate frogs, warm frogs, and cold frogs – so getting your hands on all three means that you will need to travel through the Overworld 青蛙以小型史莱姆为食,在陆地和水中都可以呼吸,产的卵称为青蛙卵。青蛙卵会孵化成蝌蚪,这也是第一个不是不是...
The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player's ...
so walk carefully or use a wool block to muffle your steps. The sculk catalyst spreads sculk around it and sculk veins generate around patches of sculk that spawn from the sculk catalyst. Finally, the sculk shrieker is possibly the most dangerous block of all since it will summon the warden...
You can use a seed that spawns you in or near a warm ocean biome. For example, the seed 1404986100 will spawn you on an island surrounded by a warm ocean biome². You can use the /locatebiome command to find the coordinates of the nearest warm ocean biome. For example, type /locate...
Regarding the frogs, the mistake was that the command block still had incorrect spawn coordinates for the Green Frog. The issue with the raid was purely coincidental for you. The command blocks do not prevent or interfere with raids in any way. The enchanted golden apple was re-hidden. It ...
Frogs can spawn in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps on Grass, Mud, Mangrove Roots, and Muddy Mangrove ...