现在会生成带有附魔装备的生物 Armor enchantments include Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV 附魔包括保护 IV, 弹射物保护 IV 以及火焰保护 IV Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I, Power I and Punch I 武器附魔包括锋利 I, 击退 I, 力量 I 以及冲击 I Mobs t...
You will find the IDs in the table above as well as the maximum level of enchantment you can use. Enchant Command Generator Use this quick command generator to enchant: select an enchantment and a level. Check in the table above the maximum enchantment level you can use. Enchantment type: ...
To enhance your bow’s power, enchant it using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command. Enchantments can be a game-changer, turning a basic bow into a formidable weapon with unique abilities. Arrows and Their Types In Minecraft, crafting normal arrows is a fundamental skill. These arrows...
现在会生成带有附魔装备的生物 Armor enchantments include Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV and Fire Protection IV 附魔包括保护 IV, 弹射物保护 IV 以及火焰保护 IV Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I, Power I and Punch I 武器附魔包括锋利 I, 击退 I, 力量 I 以及冲击 I Mobs t...
·stored_enchantments -> minecraft:stored_enchantments ·potions -> minecraft:potion_contents ·custom_data -> minecraft:custom_data ·durability被扩展为谓词minecraft:damage。 ·现在会对拥有minecraft:damage组件的任意物品生效;如果物品没有minecraft:damage组件,它将永不匹配。
class EnchantType: ArmorAll = 0 ArmorFire = 1 ArmorFall = 2 ArmorExplosive = 3 ArmorProjectile = 4 ArmorThorns = 5 WaterBreath = 6 WaterSpeed = 7 WaterAffinity = 8 WeaponDamage = 9 WeaponUndead = 10 WeaponArthropod = 11 WeaponKnockback = 12 WeaponFire = 13 WeaponLoot = 14 Mining...
TBGui : client command to open the Tombstone screens Enchantments Soulbound: preserves the item on death Shadow Step: move discreetly reducing the distance to be detected by creatures based on darkness Magic Siphon: absorbs beneficial effects from enemies hit ...
Crossbow weapon with new enchantments 弩和新的附魔: Multishot 散射 Piercing 贯穿 Quick Charge 快速装填 Changes: 更改: Phantoms are now afraid of cats and will not swoop down while cats are around 幻翼现在会害怕猫,当有猫在地上时不会俯冲下来 ...
- Weapon (There are a variety of wepons in this map, e.g Mace/Battleaxe/Spear/Dagger/Swords/Staff/Trident/Hammer) (also enchantments?) - Effects (like Speed/Strenght) - Attributes (like Knockback resistance/Movement Speed) - Own Arena or already existing one? (if own, what size?) ...
Crossbow weapon with new enchantments: 弩和附魔 Multishot 多重射击 Piercing 穿透 Quick Charge 快速装填 For Map Makers and Add-On Creators: 给地图作者和Addon制作者: Updated templates for 1.9.0 with new resources and behaviors can be downloaded from net/addons ...