Mystical World is a content mod (for 1.12.2, 1.14.4 & 1.15.2, although the latter two lag behind slightly in content) that provides the backbone for projects like Roots, with more to come! It adds many creatures (picture above), as well as metals & gems (copper, silver & amethyst,...
Caves & Creatures is a mod that adds three cave biomes full of new creatures you can bring home as pets. With 23 new mobs, including an ancient axolotl species called “Salotls” that has over 130 variants, each biome brings its own personality and fun. If I include all variants, the ...
bucket water nether star slimeball ruby gold nugget sugar iron horse armor dye powder silver apple golden potato poisonous gold shovel carrot on a stick beef raw iron shovel string ender pearl spectral arrow map empty dye powder brown stone pickaxe gold horse armor ...
protectcreatures: true 因为griefprevention不像residence可以禁用别人在你领地内移动.所以,这个可以防止没有授权的外人,到别人领地偷东西或者杀牲畜. preventbuttonsswitches: true 外人无法动领地内的红石开关和按钮.比如控制门的. lockWoodenDoors: true lockTrapDoors: true lockFenceGates: true 这三个禁止外人穿过门....
Starting off your new adventure requires you to collect some basic resources, mainlyIron Ingots. These materials will be used to create aBucket, which needs to be filled with water. This portion of the gameplay is standard, as you’ll need to break trees, craft a pickaxe, then set off to...
Both of these sea creatures can be scooped up in buckets of water just like you can with fish making it very easy to transport or re-home them. All you need is to right click them with any empty bucket, except of course filled with water, and you can drop them back into any other...
Axolotls are underwater creatures in Minecraft that are a little difficult to find. They only show up in underground caves, deep underwater, so you want to make sure you bring a Potion of Water Breathing or two with you when you attempt to dive through the depths to find them. Luckily,...
Yellow continues to explore the dimension until he sees a giant altar with an Orb that is the result from where objects and random creatures spawn. Yellow grabs the Orb and discovers that when controlled, it can spawn anything the user wants like golden apples, a cat, a rabbit on top of...
|正式版是Minecraft Java版经过一段时间的预览版测试后得到的稳定版本,也是众多材质、Mod与服务器插件会...
Once obtained, build the portal as you would normally and use a Water Bucket instead of fire to ignite it. This will activate the Aether in your world, making it possible for anyone to enter it. Make sure to have plenty of building blocks, food, and other resources to start your new ...