FlowingFluid.Properties(ModFluidTypes.SOAP_WATER_FLUID_TYPE,SOURCE_SOAP_WATER,FLOWING_SOAP_WATER).slopeFindDistance(2).levelDecreasePerBlock(2).block(ModBlocks.SOAP_WATER_BLOCK).bucket(ModItems.SOAP_WATER_BUCKET);// 设置 流体的属性, 寻找坡度距离,每个方块水位下降。其他的属性设置可以继续通过。设置pu...
"minecraft:breedable": { "require_tame": false, "breed_items": "tropical_fish_bucket", "transform_to_item": "water_bucket:0", "breeds_with": { "mate_type": "minecraft:axolotl", "baby_type": "minecraft:axolotl", "breed_event": { "event": "minecraft:entity...
minecraft:water_bucket 326 minecraft:lava_bucket 327 minecraft:redstone 331 minecraft:snowball 332 Leather minecraft:leather 334 Milk Bucket minecraft:milk_bucket 335 Brick minecraft:brick 336 Sugar Cane minecraft:sugar_cane minecraft:reeds 338
const worldSoundOptions: WorldSoundOptions = { pitch: 0.5, volume: 4.0, }; world.playSound("ambient.weather.thunder", targetLocation, worldSoundOptions); const playerSoundOptions: PlayerSoundOptions = { pitch: 1.0, volume: 1.0, }; players[0].playSound("bucket.fill_water", playerSoundOptions)...
3If zombies and skeletons stay in the water, they can survive in the light of the day.如果僵屍和骷髏呆在水裏,它們就可以在白天的光中存活下去. 歷史 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。 關於「載入提示」的歷史,請見各版本頁面。
bucket water nether star slimeball ruby gold nugget sugar iron horse armor dye powder silver apple golden potato poisonous gold shovel carrot on a stick beef raw iron shovel string ender pearl spectral arrow map empty dye powder brown stone pickaxe gold horse armor ...
The Wandering Trader's spawning now matches Java Edition and it will no longer spawn in water, ...
Axolotls are amphibious creatures that spawn in underground water 美西螈是水陆两栖生物,可以生成于水底 Holding a Bucket of Tropical Fish will cause nearby Axolotls to follow the player on both land and in water. Axolotls cannot be tamed but can be bred by feeding them Buckets of Tropical Fish ...
If a single slab is placed in between two water sources or waterlogged blocks, the slab becomes waterlogged[Java Edition only]. This also happens when a water bucket or a bucket containing a fish is used on a single slab. Double slabs cannot be waterlogged. A minecart on powered ...