Splash Water Bottle 喷溅型水瓶 Spruce Boat 云杉木船 Spruce Boat With Chest 云杉木运输船 Spyglass 望远镜 Steak 牛排 Stick 木棍 Stone Axe 石斧 Stone Hoe 石锄 Stone Pickaxe 石镐 Stone Shovel 石锹 Stone Sword 石剑 String 线 Sugar 糖 Suspicious Stew 迷之炖菜 ...
玻璃瓶Glass Bottle 水瓶Water Bottle 恶魂之泪Ghast Tear 药水Potion 发酵蛛眼Fermented Spider Eye 喷溅型药水Splash Potions 滞留型药水Lingering Potion 幻翼膜Phantom Membrane 炼药锅Cauldron 烈焰粉Blaze Powder 龙息Dragon's Breath 酿造台Brewing Stand 闪烁的西瓜片Glistering Melon Slice 兔子脚Rabbit's Foot 岩...
minecraft:bedrock 基岩 minecraft:flowing_water 水 minecraft:water 静态水 minecraft:flowing_lava 岩浆 minecraft:lava 静态岩浆 minecraft:sand 沙子 minecraft:gravel 沙砾 minecraft:gold_ore 金矿石 minecraft:iron_ore 铁矿石 minecraft:coal_ore 煤矿石 minecraft:log 木头 minecraft:leaves 树叶 minecraft:sponge ...
minecraft吧 关注252W minecraft服务器吧 关注81.6W 英语吧 浣熊村长2 【跟我学英语】Minecraft部分物品的英文名Diamond Pick 钻石镐Diamond Sword 钻石剑Ironstone 铁矿石Golden Apple 金苹果Diamond Block 钻石块Note Block 音符盒Glass Bottle 玻璃瓶Water Bottle 水瓶Gun Powder 火药The Eye of The Spider 蜘蛛眼.....
和物品一样,方块也可以进行修饰。例如"/setblock 0 64 0 chest{Items:[{Slot:0,id:"minecraft:water_bucket",Count:1},{Slot:1,id:"minecraft:lava_bucket",Count:1}]}"会放置一个箱子,它的第一个位置有一个水桶,第二个位置有一个岩浆桶。同样也会在后面讲解得知手段。
Breadcrumbs WaterBottle-MinecraftServer-Readme /ChineseSimplified / 服务器说明书_MC水瓶.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 645 lines (452 loc) · 26.6 KB Raw 服务器说明书_MC水瓶 服务器说明书_MC水瓶 2022/07/21 a阅读方法点击链接查看...
“Water bottle!” “What's the question?” “Plant a tree!” “Go to the dentist!” “What do you expect?” “Look mum, I'm in a splash!” 更改 方块 海草 更新了海草的材质,使其与Java版匹配。 命令方块 加入了自动完成。 加入了延迟选项。
373 Water Bottlepotion 373:16 Awkward Potionpotion:16 373:32 Thick Potionpotion:32 373:64 Mundane Potionpotion:64 373:8193 Regeneration Potion (0:45)potion:8193 373:8194 Swiftness Potion (3:00)potion:8194 373:8195 Fire Resistance Potion (3:00)potion:8195 373:8196 Poison Potion (0:45)...
MC-203553 - Water bottle doesn’t extinguish candles MC-203553- 水瓶无法浇灭蜡烛 MC-203605 - Lightning rod bottom texture is mapped incorrectly MC-203605- 避雷针的底部材质没有正确地翻转 MC-203617 - Can’t “Pick Block” cauldrons with liquid or powdered snow inside ...