关于这款游戏 《我的世界》(Minecraft)作为一款风靡全球的多平台游戏,其 VR 版将随机生成的立方体世界带入虚拟现实。操作简单,玩家在游戏中扮演建筑师,自由地放置立方体创建自己的杰作。想要查看建筑内部结构,只需低头一看即可...
非官方“我的世界”VR游戏《QuestCraft》现支持Quest 3、120FPS 编译/VR陀螺 在《Minecraft》(我的世界)没有官方VR版本的情况下,开发团队CADIndie推出了支持体感控制的启动器《QuestCraft》,可以侧载到Quest头显上,与MOD类似,体验前需要Minecraft Java & Bedrock Edition的正版应用和微软账户。 图源:QuestCraft 《Que...
我的世界vr版试玩#vr游戏 #我的世界 #mc #minecraft #quest3 - 满目星辰XO于20240728发布在抖音,已经收获了1725个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
《PowerWash Simulator VR | 冲就完事了VR》&《Escape Simulator VR | 逃脱模拟器VR》【SteamVR】 00:35 MR沙盒赛车游戏《Track Craft | 轨道特技》沉浸式更新预告片【Meta Quest3】 00:38 VR实验短片体验《Body of Mine | 我的身体》现已推出!【Meta Quest3】 00:57 VR太空狼人杀《Among Us VR | 我们...
V5.0 Update Reveal | QuestCraft SideQuest:https://sidequestvr.com/app/7150/questcraft GitHub:https://github.com/QuestCraftPlusPlus/QuestCraft/Releases%20 展开更多 VR MOD 我的世界 沙盒游戏 Minecraft Meta quest3 3D转VR 像素风 虚拟现实
While this seemed like a distant dream in the past, it has now become a reality with theOculus Quest 2(Meta Quest 2). Not only can you playMinecraft in VR, you also have the capability to installadditional modsis now also available, doubling the fun. So stick around to find out how ...
How to play 'Minecraft' in VR: While Minecraft is fully playable in VR, not all VR headsets are supported. Most importantly, you won’t be able to play Minecraft in VR with a standalone Oculus Quest or Oculus Quest 2. Instead, you’ll need to make use of an Oculus Link or Air ...
↑ 通过Oculus Rift、Oculus Quest(通过Oculus Link)和Windows混合现实。 ↑ 通过PlayStation VR。 ↑ 仅对部分地区开放。 ↑ 包括Android版。 ↑ 包括Java版。 ↑ 包括Java版。 ↑ 包括额外的DLC。 画廊基岩版的徽标 漏洞追踪器上的基岩版徽标 Minecraft Preview的徽标 Minecraft Preview的游戏内徽标...
Roomscale Minecraft VR! Quest 2 and 3 Native!* Full Multiplayer! Immersive Controls through Vivecraft! Supports 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 4, with 1.20.1 and 1.20.4!** Includes a launcher that allows you to start QuestCraft, switch between versions, automatically update installed mods and other MC...
Let's go through everything you need to know to play your favorite block-builder in VR. Can I Play Minecraft VR With the Oculus Quest 1/2? Before we proceed with the guide, it's important to clarify that Minecraftdoes nothave a native Quest app. This means that you cannot run Minecra...