地标最强看动漫神器 2571 3 5:13 App nunif- iw3 | AI裸眼3D转换, 任意2D图片或视频,一键转换为3D,支持VR观看! 90 -- 3:26 App 一种很新的硬件压测 230 -- 3:14 App 运行windows1.01 65 -- 0:55 App 达成成就:每日互关(5/0)
Minecraft是一款沙盒类电子游戏,中国版官方译为《我的世界》[5],又称《当个创世神》,开创者为马库斯·泊松(Notch)。游戏现由Mojang Studios维护,隶属于微软Xbox游戏工作室。 自开创伊始到延斯·伯根斯坦(Jeb)加入并负责开发之前,Minecraft几乎全部的开发工作由Notc
现在当加载新语言或切换当前语言时,侧边栏会正确本地化。 修复了使用日语的Windows和Xbox平台上的Noto Sans Smooth字体的易读性和使用问题。 修复了显示部分语言时句末会错误出现的“CR”字符的问题。 为VR启用了新成就界面(不包括PSVR)。 现在在缠根泥土上放置告示牌时会正确打开文本编辑界面。(MCPE-129280) Play...
Oculus的CTO John Carmack对此举十分关注,他称:“《Minecraft》是一款你可以完全沉浸在其中的游戏,这就和VR平台一样。目前为止我最棒的VR体验就是在这款游戏之中。” 目前,《Minecraft》在Gear VR平台上的售价为6.99美元,同《Minecraft Pocket》售价持平,该版本也支持同手游版和PC版(仅限Windows 10版本)联机。 ...
Windows 10/11 Release date September 20, 2017 Get the game Minecraft Realms Plus Embark on a shared adventure with Realms Plus on your very own, always-online server! Play with up to 10 friends at once to plan an epic build, venture to the End, and stay updated with Realms Stories. Pl...
Windows Apps AI Outlook OneDrive Microsoft Teams OneNote Microsoft Edge Skype PCs & Devices Computers Shop Xbox Accessories VR & mixed reality Certified Refurbished Trade-in for cash Entertainment Xbox Game Pass Ultimate PC Game Pass Xbox games PC and Windows games Movi...
9.修复了一些远处的水和树的VR镜像材质的问题(仅限Windows 10版); 10.当游戏关闭时,它不再偶尔地崩溃; 11.对关于移除VR设备的一些修复(仅限Windows 10版); 12.修复了调试模式的暂停画面(仅限Windows 10版); 13.虚拟客厅不再被玩家在VR模式游戏中的下落所影响(仅限Windows 10版); 14.在VR沉浸模式下跳到...
[156] On 15 August 2016, Microsoft launched official Oculus Rift support for Minecraft on Windows 10.[156] Upon its release, the Minecraft VR mod was discontinued by its developer due to trademark complaints issued by Microsoft, and Vivecraft was endorsed by the community makers of the ...
automate processes with villagers or the create mod. Build an airline or train line that you can board in VR. Fight against new bosses and NPCs while learning various fighting skills with epic fights. Trade your own created art or music with other players. Tame dragons and dogs as pets. A...
Minecraft Starter Collection, PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR 2414.8 out of 5 Stars. 241 reviews Save with Pickup today Delivery today Shipping, arrives today Everyone 10+ Minecraft with Super Mario Mash-up, Mojang, Nintendo Switch Add Now$4499current price Now $44.99 $49.99Was $49.99Minecraft ...