Blocks changing (Cauldron water level rising, adding food to a Campfire, etc.) 方块状态改变(炼药锅水位上升、在营火中添加食物等) Blocks being destroyed 方块被破坏 Blocks being placed 方块被放置 Mobs and players spawning 生物或玩家生成 Mobs and players dying or an explosion 生物或玩家死亡或爆炸...
您可以重新加载世界以取消打开局域网。 要永久开启作弊,您需要更改level.dat文件。 在基岩版中,作弊可以随时使用设置菜单中的选项进行切换。启用作弊将导致玩家永远无法在该世界中获得成就,即使后来再关闭作弊也一样。 结果尝试执行命令后会产生不同的效结果,包括无法解析、执行失败、执行成功、[仅Java版]。
画(Painting)是可以挂在墙上的装饰性实体。 画不会生成在世界中。 在Java版中,通过创造模式物品栏可以获取指定画作的对应物品,指定画作的提示框中会显示画作名称、作者和尺寸(详见画面列表)。 画可以使用任何颜色的羊毛合成,羊毛的颜色不影响画放置后显示的内容。 大
Player Count: 1 / 8; [ServerPlayer['jean_wing'/266, l='ServerLevel[新的世界]', x=-91.92, y=63.00, z=-112.86]]Data Packs: vanilla, mod:forgeEnabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanillaWorld Generation: StableOptiFine Version: OptiFine_1.20.1_HD_U_I5OptiFine Build: 20230707-211226Render ...
Ghasts now shoot fireballs out of their mouth instead of at eye level (MCPE-35202) 恶魂发射火球的位置现在为它们的嘴,而不在眼睛的高度(MCPE-35202) Boots do not z-fight anymore when worn by humanoid mobs and Armor Stands 类人生物与盔甲架穿戴靴子时,不再有深度冲突 ...
Level up your Minecraft experience with Kratzy’s picks! Enjoy immersive visuals, quality-of-life tweaks, and creative tools – all while staying true to vanilla. View Collection Hell on Earth Tame the hellish dynamic landscape, fight monsters, and find new ways to mine and survive in Hell ...
A class that provides system-level events and functions.PropertiesafterEventsread-only afterEvents: SystemAfterEvents;Returns a collection of after-events for system-level operations.Type: SystemAfterEventscurrentTickread-only currentTick: number;
import{ ItemStack, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftItemTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionitemStacks(log: (message:string, status?:number) =>void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constoneItemLoc = { x: targetLocation.x + targetLocation.y +3, y:2, z: ...
The power level of Redstone emission. State value Blocks Integer (0 to 15) Redstone Dust Light Weighted Pressure Plate Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate Daylight Detector TargetpoweredWhether the block is powered. State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Button (any) Door (any) Fence Gate...