Villagers favor pathways to reach a selected destination and try to stay in low-cost blocks, like the dirt path or cobblestone blocks. They also avoid jumping. Preferred path blocksBlock cost Adult VillagerBaby Villager Dirt Path 0 Cobblestone...
blocks_set_on_fire: (可选)被该闪电点燃的方块数。 数值界限范围 entity_struck: (可选)被闪电击中的实体。 实体谓词 如果type为fishing_hook,附加参数如下: in_open_water:(可选)测试该鱼钩是否位于开阔水域。 如果type为player,附加参数如下: advancements:(可选)玩家获得的进度。 <进度ID>:一个进度...
{ "priority": 9 }, "minecraft:preferred_path" : { "max_fall_blocks" : 1, "jump_cost" : 5, "default_block_cost" : 1.5, "preferred_path_blocks" : [ { "cost" : 0, "blocks" : [ "grass_path" ] }, { "cost" : 1, "blocks" : [ "cobblestone", "stone", "stonebrick", "...
Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia ...
Villager (minecraft:villager) Play Behavior Properties 展開資料表 NameDefault ValueTypeDescriptionExample Values chance_to_start 0 Decimal number Percent chance that the mob will start this goal, from 0 to 1. follow_distance 2 Integer number The distance (in blocks) that the ...
villager_leather = 皮匠 villager_librarian = 图书管理员 villager_shepherd = 牧羊人 villager_tool = 工具匠 villager_weapon = 武器匠 villager_mason = 石匠 villager_unskilled = 不熟练的村民 villager_v2 = 村民 vindicator = 卫道士 wandering_trader = 流浪商人 ...
MC-145744- Villager AI (POI detection) pegs CPU at 100%, causes lag in 19w13a 村民工作站的AI吃CPU,引发卡顿 MC-145862- Villagers try to sleep in occupied beds 村民会上已经有别人的床 MC-146674- Missing Jigsaw Blocks for Beds in some Village Structures ...
Blocks When the block is placed dig.wood 1.0 0.8 Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.wood 0.23 0.5 Players Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood 0.4 1.0 Players Walking on the block step.wood 0.3 1.0 Players Jumping from the block jump.wood 0.12 1.0 ...
Mud Blocks 泥巴方块 Mud can be found all over mangrove swamps and crafted with wheat into packed mud! Use it to craft a variety of mud brick blocks including stairs, slabs, and walls. This block is also renewable by using a water bottle on dirt, so there is no risk of running out of...
Enabling this will lobotomize villagers that are unable to pathfind to their destination. Freeing them should unlobotomize them. Good starting values: acquire-poi: 16 nearest-bed-sensor: 16 Radius within which villagers will search for job site blocks and beds. This ...