This mod lets you pick up villagers as an item. There are also blocks that substitute every farm that includes villagers. See also:Easy PiglinsandTrade Cycling Want to host your own server? The Villager Item The villager item can be obtained by sneaking and right-clicking a villager or press...
Tame a villager by throwing an emerald on them, then use your sneak to teleport them to your location. When you're near a tree, shift to have your tamed villagers break it down for you, there is a chance you will get the new wooden chunk item. And don't forget to check out the ...
我的世界村民帽子(Villager Hats)Mod 村民帽子模组1.16.4/1.15.1添加了村民帽子但和可穿戴的物品。 每个帽子都有一个食谱,你可以穿它。他们帽子,你把它们放在你的头。他们看起来时髦。 截图: 合成表:
Villager Recruits is a mod that allows you to hire and train villagers in various military professions to help protect you or your team! You first need to find an armorer or weaponsmith that is at least level 2 so you can purchase the new profession blocks added with this mod from them....
locating villages and hiring recruits is the next step. This process itself may differ depending on what mod version you’ve selected, as there could be a specific block to help you with it. However, the latest versions of Villager Recruits don’t include this feature. Due to this, we’ll...
/summon Villager - 村民 /summon VillagerGolem - 铁傀儡 /summon SnowMan - 雪傀儡 /summon Wolf - 狼/狗 /summon Ozelot - 猫 /summon Squid - 鱿鱼 /summon Zombie - 僵尸 /summon Skeleton - 骷髅 /summon Creeper - 苦力怕/自爆怪/JJ怪 /summon PigZombie - 僵尸猪人 /summon Ghast...
Some statistics are used in this mod and can be used for objectives in scoreboard (via the vanilla command /scoreboard), they can be viewed from the game menu. undead_killed, villager_killed, raider_killed, exorcism, zombify, consume_soul, capture_soul, free_soul, pray_on_grave, pray_of...
When a villager without a job takes over the profession wherever you placed the depot, they will now unlock any of the new tasks added with this mod. You can even add depot to existing workstations and those villagers that already worked there will now have the new tasks. And the tasks...
We present to you a new large add-on that adds new weapons and interesting new items to the Minecraft world. Three new types of Villager swords and a new three items of food will be added to the
Current villager count. The number in brackets stands for the breeding limit (determined by number of houses). Note that there's some oddity in the way Minecraft counts villagers (which is different than the method used to find a village for a specific villager), because it counts villagers ...