How do I give a villager a profession? To change a villager's job, all you need to do isdestroy the job site block that they're currently using as their profession. For example, if you want to change a Farmer villager's job, you'd destroy the Composter block that they're using. ...
How to change villager jobs in Minecraft? It is simple, all you need to do it break the existing workstation block and change with a new one. Let’s say there is a villager whose profession is Farmer and you want that villager to change into Fisherman, simply change Composter block to ...
However, if a villager has already made a trade, you cannot change their profession. So, be sure to have a look around at all the villager jobs before you make your first trade in a new village. Here are the Minecraft job blocks (and what job they’ll work with): ...
大佬们帮我看看这个命令,/summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:1,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:99999,buy:{id:emerald,Count:1},sell:{id:enchanted_book,Count:1,tag:{ench:[{id:70,lvl:1}]}}}]}},为啥和召唤出来的图书管理员交易的附魔书没法附魔呢?
When a villager without a profession approaches one of the tables they will automatically change to that specific profession and you can then right click to hire them. When you hire them they will have several tasks and options available for you to command or customize. You’ll need to shift...
To have a villager become a farmer you will need a jobless villager to accept a job from a Composter. The Farmer will buy and sell plant-based food and will also farm crops that are planted near their composter. The Farmer will provide the farmed crops to other villagers but you ca...
Villager Profession Aside from upgrading your gear, another use of the smithing table is to change a villager’s profession from unemployed to a toolsmith. This change will allow the villager to offer up more trading options. Toolsmith villagers can offer tools such as pickaxes, axes, shovels...
Place the Profession Block and wait, untill a unemployed Villager, change its Profession to a new Recruit. To command the Recruits, you need to hire them first: Right click a Recruit to open the Hiring Screen, if you have enough emeralds in your inventory, you can hire this Recruit. ...
They are still placed in concentric rings, but their positions in the rings may change by a few...
More information on how to set it uphere Join my Discord! Tutorial: Buy the new profession blocks from a Farmer, Fisherman, Mason, Wandering Trader, Shepherd they need to be level 2. Place the Profession Block and wait, untill a unemployed Villager, change its Profession to a new Worker....