[字幕]Minecraft Pillager VS Villager Battle(P2)乐高定格动画我的世界, 视频播放量 18、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 破站杰洛特, 作者简介 YouTube搬运工,相关视频:儿童益智早教
villager = 村民 villager_armor = 盔甲匠 villager_butcher = 屠夫 villager_cartographer = 制图师 villager_cleric = 牧师 villager_farmer = 农民 villager_fisherman = 渔夫 villager_fletcher = 制箭师 villager_leather = 皮匠 villager_librarian = 图书管理员 villager_shepherd = 牧羊人 villager_tool = 工...
When you are a member of pillager family, villager faction is enermy with you and they will attack you when they see you. You can't interact with any soldier of village like give armor or change skill. So you can summon units of pillager by stoner pillager. ( You can watch video to ...
A villager with evoker powers that can control over life and death. In the series, he have displayed during his childhood, and he defeated the raid of the illagers' leader on his village. And brings peace to the world. And later he even brought together the villagers and the illagers. Vi...
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VPillager is a sword-throwingillager. He is disguised as a villager and can be seen with a gray nose. Its attack power is the same as that of an arrow. The drop item is an emerald Block Only hard mode spawns! common mobs ∙ Lillager ...
Not to be confused with Illager, Pillager or Wandering Trader. For the mob in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Villager. For the mob in Minecraft Legends, see MCL:Villager. This page uses many images. It is not recommended for people with limited or slow internet connections to read through ...
Instantly recognizable by its luminous blue sheen, you won’t lose this mob once you find it. Hand it an item and it will pick up matching items it finds in the world. It loves music and will drop items if it hears a note block playing nearby. The allay spawns in pillager outposts ...
掠夺者 subtitles.entity.pillager.ambient 掠夺者:咕哝 subtitles.entity.pillager.celebrate 掠夺者:欢呼 subtitles.entity.pillager.death 掠夺者:死亡 subtitles.entity.pillager.hurt 掠夺者:受伤 玩家 subtitles.entity.player.attack.crit 暴击 subtitles.entity.player.attack.knockback 击退攻击 ...
MC-147819- Custom villager with large trades has scroll bar that goes outside GUI screen 自定义村民交易过多时出现的滚动条溢出GUI MC-147880- Pillager Outposts don't generate in snowy biomes 雪原不生成掠夺者前哨站 MC-147890- Hostile mobs are not spawning ...