BlockEntity、Entity和PendingTicks记录代表了NBT变种中的串联根标签序列,它以短整数格式存储长度和多字节整数类型,而不是Java版或原始 NBT规范使用的大端序格式。 Version中的零值用于记录旧世界格式,更高的值被无限世界类型使用。 键值类型标签 标签字节 名称描述 ...
A Minecraft Java Release Minecraft Java 版正式版 Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was ...
integrity:被放置结构的完整度,可在0到1间取值(如不指定,则默认使用1)。 seed:用于结构完整度的种子,结构完整度小于1时有效(如不指定,则使用随机种子)。 pos:用作生成原点的位置(如不指定,则默认使用~ ~ ~)。 游戏内容 进度 加入了7个新进度。 蚪到桶里来 用桶捕获一只蝌蚪 它蔓延了 在幽匿催发体附近...
Seed name:CANTBESAVED Seed code:1594305760 System:PC/Mac 5.Village Cut in Half by Ravine You'll spawn right near a small village that’s close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find ...
VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_POI 包含了村民和工作站点之间的映射。床位分配似乎没有被存储。 VILLAGE_[0-9a-f\\-]+_PLAYERS 1.“我的世界 (Minecraft)”Java版和 RTX 版的世界转换指南 ...
MC-244137- server.properties中默认不存在 "level-seed "选项 MC-248532- Elytra firework particle ...
These data values refer to the different types of blocks, items and other features on Java Edition and are used in many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in ch
This enables them to detect new beds, job site blocks, bells, and houses that players have used to extend the village. During this time of the day, they may also share items. In Java Edition this is the only time of day villagers are able to breed. As there are multiple tasks ...
Java Minecraft 1.12.2 Seed: 2773451647744737359 Java 8 Spawn point is by this wonderful cliffside village. Spawn point is also by this dessert temple. Lot’s of creatures are available by the spawn point. There’s donkeys, sheep, cattle, and rabbits. Don’t fall in the lava cave by your...
Spawn is currently assumed to be 0,0. For some searches spawns far for 0,0 are possible. It is possible to set impossible criteria, like having an outpost within 100 blocks of a java village. It is recommended that you add criteria gradually to refine the type of seed you want. ...