此标签用于定义蜜蜂会寻找的兴趣点。 #village:#acquirable_job_site、home和meeting。 此标签用于定义属于村庄的兴趣点。 https://minecraft.fandom.com/zh/wiki/Java%E7%89%881.19 到发布此专栏为止 上一个基岩版更新专栏 https://b23.tv/Z0etD2b 上一个Java版更新专栏 https://b23.tv/DYWJwEj 此文章原...
Seed code:1594305760 System:PC/Mac 5.Village Cut in Half by Ravine You'll spawn right near a small village that’s close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find the ore you need to ...
参数类型由结构类型(Structure Type)改为配置的结构(Configured Structure)。 例如现在可以执行像/locate village_desert或/locate shipwreck_beached这样的命令。 定位指定结构类别的旧用法现在改由定位指定标签来完成。 例如/locate village现在变成了/locate #village。 /locatebiome 现在支持标签,用#前缀与一般的ID做区分。
As mentioned above, Lookingforseed provides Minecraft Seeds for Bedrock and Java Edition. Each Seed is presented with detailed information such as coordinates, village data (if it contains one or more villages), screenshots, and other data that would help you understand what’s inside the Seed. ...
Vanilla 对于 Java 版来说,绝大多数服务端的始祖便是 Mojang 提供的官方服务端了,按照习惯,我们把官服叫做 Vanilla(香草,代指纯净[纯净服务端有歧义]) 其实他本身的名字应该是 Minecraft_Server(但是大多数情况下我们不会用这个名字) Vanilla 有以下的属性 ...
These data values refer to the different types of blocks, items and other features on Java Edition and are used in many places in Minecraft. Block IDs are used to define blocks placed in the world. Item IDs are valid only for items (including items in ch
Seed code:1594305760 System:PC/Mac 5. Village Cut in Half by Ravine You'll spawn right near a small village that’s close to a number of different biomes including plains, and ocean, and forests. The world is home to a large ravine, which is where you will find the ore you need to...
In this tutorial, we are going to build a glass structure and then copy and paste one of the village houses inside it. The glass structure will be made of two parts - a solid block base and a hollow glass top.Launch Editor and create a project with seed: 2123293805289839865. You don'...
In Java Edition, a villager's prices are affected by the player's reputation with that villager rather than by village popularity. Hero of the VillageMain article: Hero of the VillageWhen a player receives Hero of the Village, players receive discounted prices on all the items traded by villa...