Welcome to Vanilla Plus by MayhemStudios. This is a mod that allows players who have installed the mod correctly to craft different items that are usually uncraftable. The mod brings back the Golden Apple recipe from 1.8 and below. This mod also features new recipes like Elytra's, Totems ...
Get access to the best mods, cheats, maps and other files for Minecraft 1.17, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.12.2, 1.8 and other versions.
Render Player API Vanilla 1.0 for Minecraft 1.6.2,仅适用于原版客户端&官方服务端,不兼容Forge:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2797783320&uk=2956037141Render Player API Forge 1.2 for Minecraft 1.6.2(兼容Forge,需要预先安装Forge API):http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=2800268255&uk=...
其实,会如此只是双方不理解对方,被一些别有用心的人钻了空子。 我一直以来都在玩整合包(Modpack),模组为MC增添了许多乐趣,放大了游戏的可能性。同时,模组作为原版(Vanilla)的延伸,模组是离不开原版的,每个整合包里都会含有一个名为Minecraft的“模组”。 不是说,有了模组的Minecraft就会摒弃掉了原来的玩法,她还...
configurable stepup with 3 mods. performance improvement mod such as Performant and SmoothBoot; gui for compass and clock; small random fixes. Vanilla-1.16.5 - 1.3 AI Improvements (by QueenOfMissiles) Ambient Environment (by Jaredlll08) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Architectury API (Forge) (by ...
This is, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the most complete Minecraft mods. ● Download Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2 4. Minecraft Comes Alive Do you think Minecraft is a bit lifeless? The Villagers in the vanilla game are not too chatty, but thanks to “Minecraft Comes Alive” ...
(Most Fun Mods) Minecraft has been wildly popular for almost a decade now, and throughout the years has fostered an extremely talented and passionate modding community that are always adding amazing new things to the game. While playing vanilla Minecraft is still great, it’s wildly fun to ju...
MineThatCraft - everything about and for Minecraft in one place. Minecraft mods, maps, resource packs, skins, reviews, downloads and tutorials.
B:VanillaBiomesOn=true# Generate land masses and climate zones similar to vanilla 1.7 //生成类似于1.7的海洋世界,推荐开启,但如果希望得到带状的地球气候就不要开B:VanillaLandAndClimate=false# True for triple-width rivers //3倍河流宽度B:WiderRivers=true# impose GeographiCraft generation on the Biomes...
如果您正在使用 Vanilla 服务端: 前往server.properties将server-ip项设置为 BungeeCord 所在的 IP 地址(如果 BungeeCord 和 下游服务端位于同一个网络环境,那么可以使用127.0.0.1),将network-compression-threshold项设置为-1(此项将交由 BungeeCord 管理)