加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Minecraft Wiki 关于“基岩版世界格式”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“基岩版世界格式”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“基岩版世界格式”的历史,请见各版本页面。 关于“基岩版世界格式”的历史,请见各版本页面。 参考 语言 Deutsch English 日本语 Nederlands...
A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in trees or huge fungi, primarily used as a building block, and to create planks, a versatile crafting ingredient. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry
162 A2 acacia_log 金合欢原木 S B 163 A3 acacia_stairs 金合欢木楼梯 S 164 A4 dark_oak_stairs 深色橡木楼梯 S 165 A5 slime 黏液块 166 A6 (未使用) 167 A7 iron_trapdoor 铁活板门 S 168 A8 prismarine 海晶石 S B 169 A9 sea_lantern 海晶灯 170 AA hay_block 干草捆 S 171...
Reason: Update to 1.19.4 and 1.20.This article is about values from Minecraft: Java Edition since Java Edition 1.13. For values until Java Edition 1.12.2, see /Pre-flattening. For values from Classic, see /Classic. For values from Indev, see /Indev....
【希铁石z 译自官网2023 年 06 月 07 日发布的 Trails & Tales Update Now Available on Bedrock;原作者 Matt Gartzke,部分翻译参考了中文 Minecraft Wiki】 【本文排版借助了:SPXX v2.4.14】 |想了解更多游戏资讯? 苦力怕论坛 - 游戏资讯板块 Powered by SPXX 2.4.14 with 摸之意志口牙 评分 参与人数 ...
you can update it externally with appimageupdate or appimagelauncher the check for updates can be disabled in settings Not available Features you may miss Xbox live friend joining usually times out or crashs the game in both directions consider using the offical server softwarehttps://www.minecraf...
Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Guide Minecraft 1.21, the next major update for the game, is almost here. The snapshot marathon is wrapping up, bringing us closer to the update’s release. Galacticraft Wiki Oxygen Sealer The Oxygen Sealer is a machine that fills a room with oxygen...
1.2023w12a Bamboo, bamboo moasic, and cherry slabs are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack. Brick slabs, mud brick slabs, and smooth brick slabs now generate in trail ruins. Pocket Edition Alpha v0.1.0 Added wood, cobblestone, stone, and sandstone slabs. Wood...
Minecraft 1.21: The Tricky Trials Update Guide Minecraft 1.21, the next major update for the game, is almost here. The snapshot marathon is wrapping up, bringing us closer to the update’s release. Galacticraft Wiki Oxygen Sealer The Oxygen Sealer is a machine that fills a room with ox...