One of the toughest structures in the game is theOcean Monument. The reason is that you must be alert to your oxygen levels and fight the Guardians simultaneously. However, the reward is worth this battle sinceyou can gain the ability to breathe underwaterwith the Conduit. This Minecraft seed...
11. Underwater Base Take advantage of the marine life and resources found in Minecraft’s oceans by constructing a base underwater likethis onebuilt into the side of a submerged mountain by Zaypixel. Incorporate elements of an underwater aquarium into your design to showcase marine life and de...
Hidden beneath both of them is an ocean monument under the waters of the lake, ready for a prepared adventurer to loot. It's the perfect location for any number of builds, from an underwater base to a kingdom ringing the waters of the lake. Source: /r/minecraftseeds Lauren Morton ...
Aqua Affinity allows you to mine as quickly underwater as you would on land. This one is a must for gathering materials like Prismarine and coral. Respiration Allows you to breathe underwater longer by 15 seconds per enchantment level. It also gives you the chance not to take drowning ...
The ultimate adventure: cross the vast Freedonian ocean in your tiny boat, explore a mysterious temple on a jungle island, discover underwater caves and ravines, admire large-scale artwork at StatuePark, attend a lecture at Avalon University, navigate treacherous swamps and winding rivers, and ...
Underwater Base If you want to dive deeper into aquatic architecture, you could also try your hand at designing an underwater base or observatory. The timing couldn’t be any more perfect seeing as there’s more marine life in Minecraft today than ever before thanks to years of updates and...
Depth Strider removes the speed penalty while moving underwater. It is best used for exploring underwater caves and structures in combination with a Helmet enchanted with Aqua Affinity and Respiration. Frost Walker Frost Walker turns water blocks beneath your feet into ice, allowing you to walk ov...
The dead coral floor is perfect for giving your flooring an oceanic and frightening look. We’d recommend using it when building a laboratory or an underwater temple. It has a diagonal pattern, which creates a repetitive look on the floor. To locate the dead coral flooring blocks, you will...
Turtle shells offer an interesting underwater advantage. When worn in the helmet slot and the player is out of water or in a bubble column, they provide the “water breathing” status effect. This effect counts down only when the player is submerged. The shells also offer two armor points,...
seed is fairly special as many of its important features areliterally in a straight line from the spawn. You spawn on a hill and will find a pillager outpost dangerously close down the slope. If you continue going south, you’ll stumble upon the first trial chamber, which is underwater. ...