The current native launcher is acting up while updating the features in the game. The users speculate that the problem could be due to bugs in the launcher or antivirus in the system. The users were unable to update Minecraft native launcher on Windows. The article discusses solutions to fix...
MCL-3404 Unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher Resolved Activity All Comments History Activity Transitions Newest first Eric Largaespada added a comment - 23/Feb/18 12:14 AM But I do not have antivirus and I have disabled the firewall Still nothing [Mod] bemoty added a commen...
今天整了一天了每次都..今天整了一天了每次都是到了这里弹出来unable to update the minecraft native launcher以前都是玩的手机版,今天去官网来了一波信仰充值,然后把我整蒙了大佬们有什
Minecraft ..上个星期买的java版打开更新一直显示unable to update Minecraft Native launcher。现在打开就直接挂后台还报错,说我缺少launcher.dll文件。如图我好了兄弟萌
[求助]为什么开了全..[求助]为什么开了全局还是unable to update the minecraft launcher二楼165买的正版啊要把.minecraft文件删除吗
I downloaded the minecraftlauncher.msi, it does the first part fine but then when I click the Minecraftlauncher.exe it comes up with a box saying "Downloading native launcher" then 1second after that one another box pops up with "Unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher. I have had ...
老哥们买过了安装不了..老哥们买过了安装不了啊,过一会显示Unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher这咋办嘛。已经打开VPN了
When this error is encountered, there could be several reasons as to why you have reached this dead end. Here’s a check list on three possible causes for the “Unable to Update the Minecraft Native Launcher” error. Check your Internet Connectivity. Sometimes you might have a connection erro...