Bucket of Tropical Fish 热带鱼桶 Bundle 收纳袋 Buried Treasure Map 藏宝图 Cactus Green 仙人掌绿 Candle 蜡烛 Carrot 胡萝卜 Carrot On a Stick 胡萝卜钓竿 Chainmail Armor 锁链盔甲 Chainmail Boots 锁链靴子 Chainmail Chestplate 锁链胸甲 Chainmail Helmet 锁链头盔 Chainmail Leggings 锁链护腿 Charcoal 木炭 Che...
Bucket of Tropical Fish 热带鱼桶 Bundle 收纳袋 Buried Treasure Map 藏宝图 Cactus Green 仙人掌绿 Candle 蜡烛 Carrot 胡萝卜 Carrot On a Stick 胡萝卜钓竿 Chainmail Armor 锁链盔甲 Chainmail Boots 锁链靴子 Chainmail Chestplate 锁链胸甲 Chainmail Helmet 锁链头盔 ...
数值界限范围 如果type为cat、frog、axolotl、boat、fox、mooshroom、painting、rabbit、horse、llama、villager、parrot和tropical_fish,附加参数如下: variant:(可选)对应实体的某项变种。 vehicle:(可选)实体正在骑乘的实体。 实体谓词 语言 English 更多...
河豚(Pufferfish)是游戏《Minecraft》中生活在海洋中的中立型生物,河豚在1.13版之前只有物品形态,它们的物品形态则是一种剧毒食品和药水原料。其物品形态既可以直接食用(不过食用后会出现饥饿、中毒、反胃三种负面药水效果),也可以酿成水肺药水(水下呼吸效果)。它可以通过钓鱼或杀死其生物形态获得。生成 河豚生成于...
(Credit to Fuzzlepuzzle), Pufferfish, and Tropical Fish Added a few new textures for mobs with Optifine like:● A Technoblade pig when the pig is named Technoblade● A Minecraft Creator Showdown Fox that matches the MCS Mascot when named Finn● Biome themed Pigs for Pigs in Mangrove and ...
I love Minecraft so much. It’s one of the only apps in my phone that I spend hours on. But I think there could be a couple more things added. Such as, fish tanks. I think it would be really cool if you were able to put the tropical fish in little tanks, even adding fish net...
Minecraft mob editor. Design custom mobs with Tynker’s Minecraft mob editor. The easiest way to create and download free Minecraft mobs.
To learn more about how Items function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Item JSON DocumentationList of Items展開表格 IDNameAux Values (if applicable) 383 acacia_boat -140 acacia_button 658 acacia_chest_boat 568 acacia_door -812 acacia_double_slab -575 acacia...
"minecraft:breedable": { "require_tame": false, "breed_items": "tropical_fish_bucket", "transform_to_item": "water_bucket:0", "breeds_with": { "mate_type": "minecraft:axolotl", "baby_type": "minecraft:axolotl", "breed_event": { "event": "minecraft:entity...