/tpmaster home [<index>] - teleport to your home <index>. /tpmaster back - teleport back to your last death point. /tpmaster remove home [<index>] - remove your home <index>. /tpmaster remove back - remove your last death point. /tpmaster help - show help information.CurseForge...
5、/tp 玩家1 玩家2将玩家1传送到玩家2的位置复制6、/tp 玩家 x y z将玩家传送到坐标为x y z的位置复制7、/effect @s clear清除自身的状态复制8、/gamerule dofiretick false禁止火焰蔓延复制9、/gamerule dofiretick true允许火焰蔓延复制10、/gamerule domobspawning false关闭生物生成复制...
In last week's snapshot, we fixed a bug related to which data gets transferred between mobs when converted from one type to another (ex: zombie to drowned). This week, we have reverted a few of those changes (health, attributes, and loot tables are no longer transferred). 在上周的快照...
This Minecraft skin has been worn by 7847 players and has the following tags: Ohnostevewhathappened, Dinnerbone, Poor Steve, Steve, Upside Down, Flipped, Gore Steve.
MMC No TP (Am+Aus2) gtnh-im-na.moddedminecraft.club Stone Huts EU Server (whitelist) IP: gtnh.stonehuts.net http://stonehuts.net German Server: MyFTB Public (open) https://myftb.de/ gtnewhorizons.myftb.de Russian Servers:
commands.save.success=Saved the world commands.save.failed=Saving failed: %s commands.stop.usage=/stop commands.stop.start=Stopping the server commands.tp.success=Teleported %s to %s commands.tp.success.coordinates=Teleported %s to %.2f,%.2f,%.2f commands.tp.usage=/tp [target player] <...
/tpto alias - Teleport to a saved alias. Cooldown 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands. /tpto player alias - Teleport to player's public alias. /unstuck - Save yourself from suffocation when you're buried under sand or gravel, or you've teleported inside a wall. /up heig...
There can be many reasons for this. The mod sends a chat command to teleport you to the waypoints, which is/tp @s x y zby default, so appropriate permission is necessary. The vanilla/tpcommand requires OP status (cheats enabled) but it's possible to have separate permissions for commands...
Is TPA++ server-side only?• Yes, TPA++ is server sided and always will remain. This means you can run a (neoforge/forge/fabric/quilt) server and let completely vanilla clients join, or add this mod to an existing modpack without having to add it to everyone's client. ...
Hi everyone! In this snapshot we have fixed the bug with Ender Pearls not teleporting the player to the point of impact. Ender Pearls will now also load chunks when thrown. Happy mining! 大家好!在这个快照中,我们修复了末影珍珠不能传送玩家到撞击点(落点)的bug。末影之珠现在也将在抛出时加载...