4、/give @s command_block获得命令方块复制5、/tp 玩家1 玩家2将玩家1传送到玩家2的位置复制6、/tp 玩家 x y z将玩家传送到坐标为x y z的位置复制7、/effect @s clear清除自身的状态复制8、/gamerule dofiretick false禁止火焰蔓延复制9、/gamerule dofiretick true允许火焰蔓延复制10、/gamerule ...
In last week's snapshot, we fixed a bug related to which data gets transferred between mobs when converted from one type to another (ex: zombie to drowned). This week, we have reverted a few of those changes (health, attributes, and loot tables are no longer transferred). 在上周的快照...
作弊giveessentials.give允许玩家使用/give命令Allow access to the /give command.作弊giveessentials....
/bw tp [username] 传送到某玩家的身边(即使在游戏中也可以) 服务器管理可以用该功能查看作弊者是否作弊 bw.tp /bw arenaGroup 管理地图组 bw.groups /bw arenaList 查看地图列表 - /bw build 允许在大厅中放置/破坏方块 bw.build /bw cloneArena 克隆一张指定的地图 bw clone /bw delArena 删除一张指定...
MC-3715 - Beds and the /teleport command MC-3715 - 床与 /teleport 命令 MC-3927 - Iron golems spawning in slabs, glass, farmland and grass path MC-3927 - 铁傀儡生成在台阶、玻璃、耕地和草径上 MC-4488 - Mobs don't drop cooked meat if last damage is from fire, lava or fire charge ...
toggletells - togglewhispering - toggleprivatemsgs - ignore - ignorelist - ignorehard - toggledeathmsg - dmt - worldstats - stats - tps - msg - whisper - w - m - t - pm - tell - r - reply - last # Add all subcommands you DON'T want your players to be able # to access. ...
There is no cooldown on the /summon command, but the /acceptsummon has a 1 minute cooldown, shared with all teleportation commands. /tpto x [y] z [dimension] - Teleport to any specific x, y and z coordinates in dimension. Cooldown 1 minute, shared with all teleportation commands. ...
/fp statusShow player statusfakeplayer.command.status /fp respawnRespawn a dead fake playerfakeplayer.command.respawnAvailable when server config does not kick on fake player death /fp tpTeleport to a fake playerfakeplayer.command.tp /fp tphereTeleport a fake player to youfakeplayer.command.tphe...
This Minecraft skin has been worn by 7847 players and has the following tags: Ohnostevewhathappened, Dinnerbone, Poor Steve, Steve, Upside Down, Flipped, Gore Steve.
/tpdeny Dedicated server only. Deny a pending teleportation request. NEW:/tps Shows the tps and mspt of the server. NEW:/vault <vault> Open a vault. /warp <warp> Dedicated server only. Teleport to a warp. /setwarp <name> Dedicated server only. Set a warp where you're standing. ...