To learn more about how Items function in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, please take a look at the Item JSON DocumentationList of Items展開資料表 IDNameAux Values (if applicable) 383 acacia_boat -140 acacia_button 658 acacia_chest_boat 567 acacia_door -812 acacia_double_slab -575 acac...
Acacia Fence Gate 金合欢木栅栏门 Acacia Hanging Sign 悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Leaves 金合欢树叶 Acacia Log 金合欢原木 Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia ...
advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.description advancements.adventure.totem_of_undying.title advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.description advancements.adventure.two_birds_one_arrow.title advancements.adventure.very_ver...
you can craft items like the totem of undying, saddle, horse armor, saplings, grass blocks, podzol, and even spawn eggs. Additionally, it allows you to create normally unobtainable blocks such as bedrock, mob spawners, end portal frames, and chemistry...
Bedrock 基岩 Bee Nest 蜂巢 Beehive 蜂箱 Beetroots 甜菜根 Bell 钟 Big Dripleaf 大型垂滴叶 Big Dripleaf Stem 大型垂滴叶茎 Birch Button 白桦木按钮 Birch Door 白桦木门 Birch Fence 白桦木栅栏 Birch Fence Gate 白桦木栅栏门 Birch Hanging Sign 悬挂式白桦木告示牌 ...
Bedrock 基岩 Bee Nest 蜂巢 Beehive 蜂箱 Beetroots 甜菜根 Bell 钟 Big Dripleaf 大型垂滴叶 Big Dripleaf Stem 大型垂滴叶茎 Birch Button 白桦木按钮 Birch Door 白桦木门 Birch Fence 白桦木栅栏 Birch Fence Gate 白桦木栅栏门 Birch Hanging Sign 悬挂式白桦木告示牌 ...