Torch lighting not as effective.弓不会消耗耐久度有时拉起一支弓,会显示成弓和箭。再第三人称视角下使用弓瞄准时,弓会出现在手臂的上面。缺少一些音效:如蜘蛛死亡的声音等等。While drawing back an arrow if the user aims at a torch, sapling, flower, sugar cane, or mushroom it is broken.[2]...
Conduit block now respects the lighting conditions when held in-hand or dropped 现在手持或掉落物形式的潮涌核心会遵循光照渲染规则 Top and bottom Door textures now rotate correctly when opened and closed for worlds versioned from 1.20 onward (MCPE-152926) 现在打开和关闭状态下的门的顶部和底部纹理会正...
v1.0.6_01 Leaves now decay again when not connected to the ground or to a tree trunk. v1.1.0 Torches can no longer be placed on tree leaves, but only in fast mode.[more information needed] v1.2.0preview With the addition of biomes, the color of leaves have been changed. Leaves ...
no options with potions or toggling in creative mode.NotesThe light produced by the block when placed will be the same when held. So a torch is a light level of 14 and a lantern would be 15 (the max). Blocks like a furnace where they need to be lit do not produce light. the ...
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text80.56 KB| None|00 rawdownloadcloneembedprintreport // My bad. Time: 4/16/21 4:32 PM Description: Ticking entity java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast...
hardcore_torches:blocks/free_torch_light_blocks - Blocks you can right click with a torch to light the torch Items: Item tags are 3 parts: consume, damage, free - whether the item will be consumed, durability damaged, or not affected. ...
v1.0.6_01 Leaves now decay again when not connected to the ground or to a tree trunk. v1.1.0 Torches can no longer be placed on tree leaves, but only in fast mode.[more information needed] v1.2.0preview With the addition of biomes, the color of leaves have been changed. Leaves ...
An activated wood door can still be closed by a player or villager and does not re-open until it receives a new activation signal (if a door has been closed "by hand", it still needs to be deactivated and then reactivated to open by redstone). Fuel...
-o-lanterns, and glowstone create lamination when placed, with the Dynamic Lights mod installed, they will illuminate the area around the player while held in the hand as well. This adds a kind of realism to the game; why wouldn’t there be light if the player was carrying a lit torch...
Flywheel Backend: Off Crash Report UUID: 486a11a5-82f6-458f-91bf-f14028ea29dd FML: 47.2 Forge: net.minecraftforge:47.2.6 Kiwi Modules: kiwi:contributors kiwi:data lightingwand:core Advertisement Ad Add Comment Please, Sign In to add comment Advertisement Ad Public...