修复了多个在游戏过程中可能导致的崩溃问题 When breeding horses, the baby horse now has a chance ...
The crafting recipe has been changed, so that 6 slabs would be crafted rather than 3. 1.2.4release The texture of sandstone slabs has been changed, although it is only visible in the double and bottom variants. 1.3.112w17a New slabs have been added for the four different types of wood ...
The recipe book is a mechanic in Minecraft that serves as a catalog of recipes and as a crafting, smelting, and banner patterning guide. The recipe book can be displayed in inventory, crafting table, furnace, blast furnace and smoker. The player must ent
Slot.public final IInventory inventory■■■Slot.public final Container container InventoryCrafting#getContainerSize()■■■CraftingContainer#getSizeInventory() InventoryCrafting#getStackInSlot(I)■■■CraftingContainer#getItem() InventoryCrafting#setInventorySlotContents(I,ItemStack)■■■CraftingContainer#setItem...
New crafting recipe type has been introduced: crafting_transmute 引入了新的制作配方类型:crafting_transmute When matched, output will copy the input item stack, changing the item type but preserving all stack components 当匹配后,此输出只改变物品类型,会保留输入的所有序列化堆叠组件。
- Brought back the lit torch crafting recipe that was missing in recent versions - Matchbox recipe now uses tag for any variant of wooden slabs - Updated glowstone crystal and glowstone paste textures to reflect new vanilla textures FIXES: - Fixed discrepancy in config that stated burnout time ...
hardcore_torches:blocks/free_torch_light_blocks - Blocks you can right click with a torch to light the torch Items: Item tags are 3 parts: consume, damage, free - whether the item will be consumed, durability damaged, or not affected. ...
G.recipes.add_recipe(["#", "@"], {'#': coal_item, '@': stick_item}, ItemStack(torch_block.id, amount=4)) G.smelting_recipes.add_recipe(ironore_block, ItemStack(iron_ingot_item.id, amount=1)) G.smelting_recipes.add_recipe(cobble_block, ItemStack(stone_block.id, amount=1))©...
RECIPE UNLOCKING配方解锁 The Crafting Table recipe is unlocked immediately on creating a new world 在创建世界后,工作台的配方现在会立即解锁 The Crossbow recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks 弩的配方现在不需要由木棍解锁 The Soul Campfire recipe is no longer unlocked by sticks 灵魂营火的配方现在...
* MekanismAPI|recipe (9.0.0) from [通用机械]Mekanism.jar * MekanismAPI|transmitter (9.0.0) from [通用机械]Mekanism.jar * MekanismAPI|util (9.0.0) from [通用机械]Mekanism.jar * RailcraftAPI|crafting (1.0.0) from [沉浸工艺].jar * StorageDrawersAPI (1.7.10-1.2.0) from [抽屉].jar *...