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行1501-guide.silentgems.chapter.toolParts.text1 ✔ solcarrot Mod Domain 验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 solcarrot-1.12.2 的中英文语言文件不对应。 中文语言文件有 27 个 Key 多于英文语言文件。例如: 行1-solcarrot.command.clearfoodarray.desc 行2-solcarrot.command.sizefoodarray.desc.foodsEatenPlural ...
The proper tool for Resin Bricks family of blocks is a pickaxe 获取树脂砖系列方块的合适工具是镐...
Brush is an archeology tool that you can use to unearth hidden items insidesuspicious sandand suspicious gravel blocks. For crafting a brush, you’ll need one copper ingot, one stick, and one feather. Place a feather in any slot in the top row of the crafting table. Then, place a coppe...
AutoTool – Automatically picks the best tool for the job AutoTotem – Will automatically put a totem from your inventory into your offhand AutoWalk – Automatically walk forward AutoSign – Automatically writes your selected text on signs ...
Boats now break when they collide with a Cactus from the side (MCPE-106044) Changed the position of the Bow to match previous versions (MCPE-116741) Crossbows in players' and mobs' hands are now rendered correctly in all perspective modes (MCPE-116737) Fixed an animation issue causing an of...
Chorus flowers are blocks that grow on chorus plants found in the End. They can be planted on end stone where they grow into new chorus plants. Chorus flowers can be mined with any tool and drop themselves when broken, but an axe is the quickest. They do
Clay, the most common box in the game, can be excavated by hand or any tool. The main function of soil is to plant. Plant seedlings or sugarcane and mushrooms will grow under Appropriate conditions. When planting wheat, pumpkin, watermelon and other plants, you need to cultivate land first...
Green Wool Wool + Cactus Green Used as decoration or building material. Light Blue Wool Wool + Light Blue Dye Used as decoration or building material. Light Gray Wool Wool + Light Gray Dye Used as decoration or building material. Lime Wool Wool + Lime Dye Used as decoration or building mat...
Feed Cactus to Camels to breed them 喂食骆驼仙人掌可以繁殖它们 Camels are tall 骆驼很高 Most hostile mobs will not be able to reach you when you are on a Camel 大部分敌对生物在你骑乘骆驼时无法攻击到你 They can walk over Fences and Walls 它们可以跨越栅栏和墙壁 Camels randomly sit down 骆驼...