Copper, cut copper, cut copper stairs, and cut copper slabs exist in the game and can be accessed from the creative items inventory 铜,切制铜块,切制铜楼梯,切制铜台阶将加入游戏,并可通过创造模式物品栏获得 Cut copper blocks can be crafted from copper blocks ...
Custom items using JSON formats 1.16.100 and formats past 1.17.0 can be loaded without the Holiday Creator Feature toggle if there are no Holiday components used 现在使用不含有假日创造者组件的 1.16.100 及 1.17 及以上版本 JSON 格式的自定义项目不需要开启「假日创造者功能」实验性功能开关即可加载 ...
Wolves now have double the amount of health than they used to 狼现在拥有了两倍于以前的生命值 Ex...
# [TITLE] 例如 MainTitle;Subtitle;FadeIn;Stay:FadeOut - 向玩家发送标题消息 # [ACTIONBAR] - 发送操作栏消息 # [SOUND] - 向玩家发送声音 # [COMMAND] - 以玩家身份执行命令 # [CONSOLE] - 以控制台身份执行命令 # [GAMEMODE] - 更改玩家的游戏模式 # [BUNGEE] - 将玩家发送到服务器 # [EFFECT]...
示例 /execute if entity @e[type=sheep] run function foo:bar:若世界中有绵羊就执行函数foo:bar。 /execute as @e[type=creeper] at @s unless entity @e[type=ocelot,distance=..3] run kill @s:击杀所有在3格范围内没有豹猫的苦力怕。(if|unless) loaded...
1 - 9 快捷栏 key.hotbar.1 - key.hotbar.9 选中热键栏中对应的物品。在物品栏GUI内按下这些按键,会将鼠标选中的物品堆移动到对应的快捷槽位里,反之亦然。 E 开启/关闭物品栏 key.inventory 打开物品栏或关闭打开的GUI。 F 与副手交换物品 key.swapOffhand 交换玩家主手和副手的物品。 创造模式 ...
Friendly Fire game rule toggle has been moved to the Multiplayer tab on the Create New World screen 启用PVP 的游戏规则开关被移动到了创建新世界界面的多人游戏选项卡下 On mobile devices, the experience bar is now centered over the entire length of the hotbar, including the ellipsis at the end...
Please don't post bugs without logs, also don't post suggestions for 1.17- mc, only 1.18+ is supported. If you want to help me to make this mod better, you can translate it to your language and send me json file. You can find original lang file here:en_us.json ...
Moreover, there are three different updates which can assist you a great deal. Basically you can activate the generator by shift+right click. Furthermore you can press “I” to toggle charging in your inventory. The inventory generators differ from capacitors as RF can not be inserted into th...
v1.0.1 Stair inventory icons now changed to render image of a solid two step model, which was currently glitched. v1.2.0preview The orientation of stairs is now determined based on the direction the player faces while placing them. Before this version, stairs would determine their orientation ...