↑"It is also worth noting that the Far Lands terrain itself is not due to improper float casts, but rather due to integer overflow (a double value is cast to an int; the fix casts it to a long and ANDs it with 16777215 to limit the value before casting (which could also be 255...
3177 -- 1:10 App skibidi 厕所 75 粉丝制作 1.9万 5 4:26 App 植物大战僵尸粉丝制作歌曲 - Zombotany/植物僵尸 5449 1 1:10 App skibidi 厕所 75 粉丝制作 7570 2 1:01 App 翻译YouTube(Deniz Sevim)《恐怖冰淇淋8》更新–粉丝制作游戏结束现场. 1.8万 42 8:10 App 我的世界:超级稀有的28个东...
记笔记 用手机看 稍后再看 https://youtu.be/srkmWwa1lew 作者:AntVenom 官方简介:What exactly caused the original Minecraft "Far Lands"? » Subscribe - http://bit.ly/AntVenomSubscribe » Facts & Lists Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... REDDIT THREAD / INSTRUCTIONS FOR ...
【教程】如何到达边境..我相信各位吧友看过中文Minecraft Wiki的边境之地这一页面之后都想去边境之地看看,但是可惜它已被移除。我前几天偶然得到了在Beta 1.8之前版本迅速前往边境之地不用Mod的方法,这里给大家
226 Check out the far lands!小心边境之地! 边境之地是游戏中地图的“边界”,最后在Beta 1.8被Notch无意地修复。此标语是在边境之地被修复后加入的。 Beta 1.8(pre1) 227 Tyrion would love it!提利昂会喜欢的! 引自乔治·R·R·马丁的作品《魔龙的狂舞》中的侏儒提利昂·兰尼斯特,在书中他被迫看...
游戏主角 Jesse 将率领自己的队伍展开全新的冒险之旅,他们将需要在旅途中寻找到“秩序之石(Order of the Stone)”才能拯救世界。游戏将分为五个章节,并会带领玩家前往下界 ( Nether )、边境之地(Far Lands)、终界(End)等不同的场景。玩家也会通过做出各式各样不同的抉择,来引导故事最后的走向。
226 Check out the far lands! The Far Lands were the "limit" of the infinite map, until Notch accidentally fixed them in Beta 1.8. Ironically, this splash was added to the game after the Far Lands were fixed. Beta 1.8(Pre-release) 227 Tyrion would love it! Refers to Tyrion Lanni...
Minecraft Far Lands or Bust - An expedition by YouTube video game commentator kurtjmac in search of adventure, exploration, and raising money for charity!
意见,其中针对1.10新加入的Stray( 分享5010 minecraft吧 Grasscraft 【制作教材】自制一本系统化的教材看别人的Minecraft写的好看,于是感觉可以结合自己的经历写一本教材,学习Minecraft的那些知识 分享506 minecraft吧 Lage 求解村民的这个装置能干啥 分享110赞 minecraft吧 企鹅aa2 【教程】如何到达边境之地(Far Lands)...