加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
(and all it's sub-commands) in the current editing region" "region_help_delete"="Delete the specified region" "region_help_edit"="Allows to edit the specified region" "region_help_effect_add"="Add a potion effect to a Region" "region_help_effect_remove"="Remove a potion effect from ...
The “title” command is used todisplay a title screen with custom texton a player’s screen. You can also add text effects, animations, and change thecolors of your custom text. But if you want more customization, you can use the “titleraw” command. It allows you to use a JSON te...
It's worthwhile to do the entire example using the Minecraft app to get started. After you've done that successfully, you can take advantage of the special "Dedicated Server" mode of that sample. To do this, edit your gulpfile.js and change two variables at the top of the file:...
ServerPlayer#openEditSign(SignBlockEntity)■■■ServerPlayer#openTextEdit(SignBlockEntity) TileEntity#isInvalid()■■■BlockEntity#isRemoved() Chunk#isLoaded()■■■LevelChunk#isInLevel() net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk.EnumCreateEntityType■■■net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk....
In theEdit Server Infoscreen that shows up, give your server a name and type in the IP address of your server. This is the same IP address that you used to connect through SSH. Once you have entered your server name and IP address, you’ll be taken back to the Multiplayer screen whe...
{FULLPAGENAME}}|Minecraft Wiki| <div style="margin-right:10px;text-align:right;font-style:italic;font-size:85%;">[[Minecraft Wiki/editcopy|Changes for the main page can be proposed here.]]</div> <!--Put categories and interwikis for the live main page below.--> [[cs:Minecraft ...
184 This text is hard to read if you play the game at the default resolution, but at 1080p it's fine!在默认分辨率下这些文字很难看清,但1080p高清就可以了! 闪烁标语会放缩以与标题屏幕的空间相适应,因此在低分辨率下此标语很难看清。 Alpha v1.0.13 185 Haha, LOL!哈哈! Alpha v1.0.14 ...
You can open this file in any text editor of your choosing, but Notepad works just fine. When you open the file you’ll see a long list ofdifferent server properties. You can edit each one to your liking. You’ll find a list of all the server properties and what they meanhere, but...
If you want to make any changes to your modpack settings or add new mods, you’ll need to edit the configuration files on your server. Make sure you’re familiar with how to use text editors like Notepad before tweaking these files. They can contain important information so be sure to ...