只能使用精准采集附魔工具获得,使用其他方式破坏则只会掉落经验。 在幽匿催发体周围死亡的生物下方会长出幽匿块。 幽匿催发体 生成于深暗之域生物群系。 在其周围有生物死亡时会散发灵魂粒子,并将生物掉落的经验转换为幽匿块。长出幽匿块的数量取决于生物被玩家杀死时正常掉落的经验数量,经验越多,长出的幽匿块...
opencontainers:玩家是否能打开容器(例如箱子)。 teleport:玩家是否能传送。 permissionsLevel:世界主人的权限等级。 playerPermissionsLevel:其他玩家的权限等级。 flySpeed:玩家的飞行速度。 walkSpeed:玩家的移动速度。 abilities:玩家权限或能力。 lastOpenedWithVersion:最后一次打开的游戏版本。格式为x.x.x.x.x,x为下...
Added the player's cause of death to the death screen 将玩家死亡原因添加到了死亡页面 Music is ...
Models render at entity position, with normal rotation around X and Y axis (so it can be controlled by teleport commands), but also with additional arbitrary model transform 模型在实体所在的位置渲染,并正常绕X轴和Y轴旋转(即可以被传送类命令控制旋转角度),但同时也受到任意的模型变换影响COMMON DATA...
teleport,带有5级震动频率 note_block_play with a vibration frequency of 6 note_block_play,带有6级震动频率 instrument_play with a vibration frequency of 15 instrument_play,带有15级震动频率 COMBINED EVENTS 合并的事件 The following events have been collapsed into block_activate and block_deactivate: ...
userdata目录里存放着用户数据,用vim打开其中一个用户的文件,可以设置teleportenabled:false来禁止此玩家传送,还可以查看玩家ip地址等,查看玩家上一次下线时位置等信息。 EssentialsX支持经济系统,比如 /eco give playername number可以给予玩家多少多少货币(管理员权限) ...
[30] Other creatures unique to Minecraft include the creeper (an exploding creature that sneaks up on the player) and the enderman (a creature with the ability to teleport, pick up, and place blocks).[31] There are also variants of mobs that spawn in different conditions; for example, ...
"effect.immersiveengineering.stunned.description": "Endermen affected by this effect are unable to teleport", "effect.infernalexp.infection.description": "Slowly poisons with non lethal damage over time; can be spread to other living entities when attacking them.", "effect.infernalexp.luminous....
enable: true safely-teleport-players: true anti-bed-trap: # Resets a players bed respawn they die too many times within # a certain timeframe. enable: false # Amount of times player can die until he is determined as bed-trapped. max-deaths-per-time: 7 # "Time until death counter will...
作弊breakessentials.break.bedrock允许玩家打破床Allows the breaking of bedrock.作弊enchantessentials....