通过计算(通过区块位置找到坐标位置的该计算可在Minecraft的疑难杂症#10-实体方块Ticking了,存档就不让进了?(附NBTexplorer使用) - 哔哩哔哩 (bilibili.com)中找到),我们可以找到该区块的大致位置,很明显,在图中这在一个尚未生成的区块中,利用地图编辑工具(MCedit,Amulet,MCA Selector等),我们可以将该区块删除 当...
This option decides if mob spawns should account for how many mobs are around target player already. You can bypass a lot of issues regarding mob spawns being inconsistent due to players creating farms that take up the entire mobcap. This will enable a more singleplayer-like spawning experience...
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: trueLevel generator options:Level spawn location: World: (557,63,361), Chunk: (at 13,3,9 in 34,22; contains blocks 544,0,352 to 559,255,367), Region: (1,0; contains chunks 32,0 to 63,31, blocks 512,0,0 to 1023,...
Added pattern target selector Added more expressive quantifier support to explicit target selectors Facelift and overall improvements to javadoc 0.8.1 (0.8.2) September 2020 Hotfix for supporting ModLauncher 7.0 Fix critical issue with resolving obfuscated members in inherited interfaces Updated to ASM ...
10.设置钻石和绿宝石的资源刷新点:输入指令/bw addGenerator diamond 将脚下位置设置为钻石资源刷新点,输入指令/bw addGenerator emerald 将脚下位置设置为绿宝石资源刷新点 11.输入指令/bw save保存地图,并退出编辑模式 12.恭喜你成功配置完一张地图,但还需要最后一条指令/bw enableArena <mapName> 既然你现在已经...
location(s) of the target(s). 6. 1.12 bow enchantment help - How to combine infinity and mending using commands. This is impossible. An infinity bow will supply you with infinite arrows, assuming you have 1 arrow in yo. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are ...
Added new parameter (see note about entity target parameter for values). If present, name will be resolved with that entity (allows using selector and score components). New conditions Joins conditions from parameter with "or" ("disjunction"). Check properties of block state. Parameters - id ...
Schedules function or tag to run in<time>gametime ticks. Returns trigger time. Any tag or function can be scheduled only once. Calling this command for already scheduled function or tag will replace older record. NBT PATHS Can now return multiple values. When used as target, modification will...
Target Selector Examples To change the nearest polar bear to a baby polar bear: /data merge entity @e[type=polar_bear,limit=1,sort=nearest] {Age:-25000} To kill all polar bears: /kill @e[type=polar_bear] Next, learn how to use thegame commandsin Minecraft. ...