第二步,在类里面编写代码 publicclassObsidianSwordextendsSwordItem{/*** @param attack_damage 武器伤害--最终伤害=基础伤害+物品材质伤害+武器伤害;基础伤害为1.0;石头材质基础伤害为1.0,铁材质基础伤害为2.0* @param attack_speed 武器攻速--最终攻速=基础攻速+武器攻速;基础攻速为4.0* @param properties 物品...
(MinecraftItemTypes.WoodenSword)); equipmentCompPlayer.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Offhand, new ItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.Shield)); } const equipmentCompArmorStand = armorStand.getComponent(EntityComponentTypes.Equippable) as EntityEquippableComponent; if (equipmentCompArmorStand) { equipmentCompArmorStand....
toolTierRegistry(event=>{ event.add('steel',tier=>{ tier.uses=2281 tier.speed=10.0 tier.attackDamageBonus=4.0 tier.level=4 tier.enchantmentValue=15 tier.repairIngredient='steelmod:steel' })}) registery.js的内容: StartupEvents.registry('item',event=>{event.create('steel_scythe','sword')...
*/publicObsidianSword(int attack_damage,float attack_speed,Properties properties){super(ItemTier.NETHERITE,attack_damage,attack_speed,properties);//材质为下届合金}@Override public ActionResult<ItemStack>use(World world,PlayerEntity player,Hand hand){ItemStack stack=player.getItemInHand(hand);if(worldinsta...
Plains Village on the beach has plenty of food while the Blacksmith village further away has a few pieces of iron armor and an iron sword. Before cutting down the tower for good, climb to the Blacksmith's shop at the top of the raided village to gather a few more pieces of iron gear...
It’s a bit awkward, and even by the time I hit the credits, I was still making mistakes. The most curious design choice within all of this is the ability to physically attack Piglins with your sword and platform around the forts you’re debasing. This mix of RTS overhead with a phy...
Stone Sword: Slightly stronger than wood, dealing 5 attack damage. Iron Sword: More durable and powerful, dealing 6 attack damage. Golden Sword: The weakest among metal swords, dealing 4 attack damage but has low durability. Diamond Sword: The most potent non-enchanted sword, dealing 7 attack...
stone_crafting_materials" • Stone Tier - "minecraft:stone_tier" • Stone Tool Materials - "minecraft:stone_tool_materials" • Sword - "minecraft:is_sword" • Tool - "minecraft:is_tool" • Vibration Damper - "minecraft:vibration_damper" • Warped Stems - "minecr...
Rabbid Mii Swordfighter Rabbid Mii Gunner Rabbid Dark Pit Rabbid Dark Samus Rabbid Ness Rabbid Shiek Rabbid Zero Suit Samus Rabbid Lucas Rabbid Pokemon Trainer Rabbid Palutena Rabbid Bowser Jr. Rabbid Larry Koopa Rabbid Iggy Koopa Rabbid Morton Koopa Jr. Rabbid Ludwig von Koopa Rabbid Roy Koopa Ra...
Great Sword Man Zubaan Juken Sentai Gekiranger Jan Kandou/GekiRed Ran Uzaki/GekiYellow Retsu Fukami/GekiBlue Gou Fukami/GekiViolet Ken Hisatsu/GekiChopper RinJyuKen Warriors Rio/Black Lion Mele/Confrontation Beast Chameleon-Fist Engine Sentai Go-Onger Sosuke Esumi/Go-On Red Renn Kousaka/Go-...