原版! 即使游戏中装有Mod,此标语照常出现。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( 406 May contain traces of citrus!可能含微量柑橘成分! 一种食物过敏警示。也是对Mojang员工Mikael Hedberg的昵称"Slicedlime"(青柠檬片)的调侃。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( ...
闪烁标语 闪烁标语(Splash)是主菜单上的黄色单行文本。其内容由下表中随机选取,并且通常引自流行文化(如网站、精悍引述和电子游戏等)。 在Java版中,这些标语以纯文本文件的形式在minecraft.jar(assets/minecraft/texts/splashes.txt)文件中定义,可在此或资源包中对应位置修改闪烁标语的内容。 在基岩版中,这些标语以js...
可以这么说,Minecraft 的多线程优化在 1.13 版本中才真正起步。 Minecraft 1.13 发行于2018年7月18日,无论是在游戏内容还是技术实现上都有着显著变化,以至于Mod社区无法及时适应这些变革,迁移到 1.13 的代价以及门槛都高了很多,这也间接导致大量Mod被迫停留在 1.12.2 版本。 我在这里大致梳理一下 1.13 带来的几个...
Endsword | Teleports you 8 blocks in the direction you are looking Super Sponge | A Sponge clearing a large areas of water Anti Fall | Removes Fall Damage & Damage from flying into walls as long as it is in your Inventory Fly Feather | Lets you Fly! Laucher | Launchs you up in the...
During survival in Minecraft PE 1.18.0 and 1.18, the user has to travel a lot. It takes a lot of time. In order to shorten this time, a vehicle can be used. The best solution would be the CyberTruck mod. Thiscar has an animation of use. When turning, the steering wheel will turn...
The sharing of worlds is not a mod and therefore not against our Cheat Policy.View full Cheat Policy Latest Popular Claim your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks for March 2025 2Claim your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks for February 2025 3Minecraft to get creepy new biome and long-awaited fea...
Exotic Critters is a large mod that tries to diversify Minecraft by adding a total of 100 unique creatures to your world, mainly epic enemies, that can be found in all dimensions and biomes of the game. You must be careful because although some creatures are only a small annoyance others ...
98) at SECURE-BOOTSTRAP/net.minecraftforge.fmlloader@1.20.4-49.0.4/net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.targets.ForgeProdLaunchHandler$Client.getMinecraftPaths(ForgeProdLaunchHandler.java:28) at SECURE-BOOTSTRAP/net.minecraftforge.fmlloader@1.20.4-49.0.4/net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery....
Mech Mod Train BoatMapsMenu Toggle 1.20 1.19 1.18 CityMenu Toggle Sponge Bob New York City GTA Apocalyptic Ancient End Underground Yandere Highschool AdventureMenu Toggle Journey Treasure Hunger Game CreationMenu Toggle Redstone Fallen Kingdom Harry Potter Airport HorrorMenu Toggle Demon Slayer...
spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo; 8 12 import pwn.noobs.trouserstreak.modules.InstantKill; 9 - import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen; 10 - import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.InventoryScreen; 11 - import net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.ButtonWidget;...