/structure 无需结构方块即可保存和加载结构。 是 — — — 1 — — /summon 生成一个实体。 是 是 是 2 1 — — — — /tag 修改实体的标签。 是 是 是 2 1 — — — /takepicture 从一个玩家的角度拍摄另一个玩家的照片。 是 是 — — 1 — — — — /team 修改队伍。 —...
`/give @p minecraft:command_block` 获取命令方块 `/gamerule commandBlockOutput false` 禁止命令方块信息显示 以下命令需要再命令方块内循环开启 `execute as @e[type=minecraft:snowball] at @s run summon minecraft:fireball` 雪球轨迹变火球(失败) `execute as @e[type=minecraft:boat] at @s run fill ...
Commands will still work with "coral", but "coral" won't be suggested in the command prompt, rather the new names will 使用coral 的命令仍有效,但预览中仅会显示建议的名称 Experience Orbs now merge when spawned with the summon command (MCPE-167247) 现在使用 summon 命令生成的经验球会合并到一...
even if it’s not to your location. For example, you can summon lightning where you need it. While game limitations put a cap on how often you can use this command, it’s a really useful function with a lot of potential.
This command is for use on a dedicated server only. Owner Yes /stopsound Stops a sound. Game Directors Yes /structure Saves or loads a structure in the world. See examples of this command in use in the Structure Blocks documentation. Game Directors Yes /summon Summons an entity. Game ...
1.关于命令方块2./give与/summon的NBT标签-1.属性标签-2.附魔标签-3.其他标签3./scoreboard的简单应用 --/execute /scoreboard /fill 来自Android客户端3楼2015-07-25 18:55 收起回复 丶H2F2 末影水晶 13 1.关于命令方块命令方块(Command_block,简称CB),也叫指令方块。我自己认为它的作用有:1.被动触发...
CommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~1 minecraft:chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1b,Command:"execute @e[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1b,Command:"...
Minecraft Java 版正式版 Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was too busy inspecting these ...
/summon Giant - 巨型僵尸 非生物: /summon Boat - 船 /summon MinecartRideable - 普通矿车 /summon MinecartHopper - 漏斗矿车 /summon MinecartFurnace - 熔炉矿车 /summon MinecartCommandBlock - 指令方块矿车 /summon MinecartChest - 箱子矿车 /summon MinecartSpawner - 刷怪笼矿车 /summon Sm...
This command is for use on a dedicated server only. Owner Yes /stopsound Stops a sound. Game Directors Yes /structure Saves or loads a structure in the world. See examples of this command in use in the Structure Blocks documentation. Game Directors Yes /summon Summons an entity. Game ...