方法/步骤 1 格式是:/summon (生物ID) (生成点) (NBT)生物ID大全:Cow---牛Chicken---鸡Pig---猪Ozelot---豹猫Wolf---狼Sheep---羊Bat---蝙蝠Villager---村民MushroomCow---蘑菇牛,哞菇Zombie---僵尸Skeleton---骷髅Witch---女巫Slime---史莱姆LavaSlime---岩浆怪Squid---鱿鱼SnowMan---雪人,雪...
summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:64b}} 在当前位置生成一个朝向西面、被禁用AI的骷髅: summon minecraft:skeleton ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1b,Rotation:[90F,0F]} 基岩版: 在当前位置生成一个名为“充能苦力怕”的闪电苦力怕: summon creeper ~ ~ ~ minecraft:become_charged "充...
/summon MinecartFurnace - 熔炉矿车 /summon MinecartCommandBlock - 指令方块矿车 /summon MinecartChest - 箱子矿车 /summon MinecartSpawner - 刷怪笼矿车 /summon SmallFireball - 小型火球(烈焰人发出的) /summon Fireball - 火球(恶魂发出的) /summon Item - 物品 /summon LeashKnot - 绳子结 /summon Pain...
加入了/replaceitem命令。 加入了游戏规则sendCommandFeedback。 14w28a 加入了/stats命令。 14w29a 加入了/worldborder get命令。 /particle命令加入了force参数。 加入了/time query命令。 允许设立自定义游戏规则。 /stats命令加入了QueryResults。 14w30a /summon命令可以召唤闪电。 14w31a /debug可在单人游戏中运...
command, which lets you spawn any item in the game for yourself or other players. you can also use the "/summon" command to create mobs or npcs in the world, with custom stats and attributes. the " /tp " command allows you to quickly move around the world, while "/weather" lets ...
/summon item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:"minecraft:iron_block",Count:1}} 指令生成掉落物[铁块] /summon armor_stand ~ ~1 ~ {Marker:1,NoGravity:1,Invisible:1,CustomNameVisible:1,CustomName:"'#"} 生成无重力,隐形的名为 # 的盔甲架 /summon slime ~ ~1 ~ {Size:50} ...
Commands will still work with "coral", but "coral" won't be suggested in the command prompt, rather the new names will 使用coral 的命令仍有效,但预览中仅会显示建议的名称 Experience Orbs now merge when spawned with the summon command (MCPE-167247) 现在使用 summon 命令生成的经验球会合并到一...
CommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~1 minecraft:chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1b,Command:"execute @e[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1b,Command:"...
1.8后:/give [player] [@p&a] minecraft:command_block(命令方块英文代码) 2楼2015-08-16 10:09 回复 天梯_Sky 中尉 7 dataTag(NBT标签)的标点符号用处{} - 花括号 :这是控制单独一个NBT的括号,括号里的内容就是NBT。比如:Item:{id:"minecraft:command_block"},花括号可以包围一类的NBT。专业的来说...
Summon is another coreMinecraftcommand that gets a lot of use, particularly as a companion to the teleport command. Teleport helps you get around without difficulty, and now you can use summon to instantaneously deliver the object of your desire to your location, whatever item, mob, or object...