|Minecraft Java版是指Windows、Mac OS与Linux平台上,使用Java语言开发的Minecraft版本。|正式版是...
Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command.See more in the Popular ...
number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever you want to know the usage and all of the syntaxes of a command, you can use /help followed by the name of the command. This can be helpful if you want an overview of the command.See more in thePopular Commands documentation....
Syntax: 语法格式: execute summon <entity id> execute summon <entity id>FILLBIOMEFILLBIOME The amount of network data transmitted when using the fillbiome command has been optimized 优化使用 fillbiome 命令时网络传输的数据量TITLETITLE All time arguments to title times are now time durations and ...
(earlier /execute command syntax):execute @e[type=fox] ^ ^ ^ detect ^ ^-1 ^ stone 0 summon salmon This variant of the execute command will only run for foxes (@e[type=fox]) that are stepping on stone (detect ^ ^-1 ^ stone 0).^ ^-1 ^in this context will check to see if ...
Syntax Primary .用来设置信标的主效果,默认状态效果强度为1. 一个效果ID. {Primary:num} Secondary 用来设置信标的辅助效果,辅助效果会增加同名主效果的等级,如果没有同名主效果则会将辅助效果强度变为1. 一个效果ID. {Secondary:num} 刷怪箱 这些标签在/setblock或/summon(刷怪箱矿车)创造自定义刷怪箱时使用...
Fixed an issue that could occur if the Player equipped any piece of netherite armor, used a clear command to clear it, and then equipped another piece of netherite armor of the same type 修复当玩家装备全套的下界合金盔甲时,使用 clear 命令清除后,可能会重新装备一套相同的下界合金盔甲的问题。 Fi...
Module:Command(查看源代码) Module:Command/Syntax(查看源代码) Module:Editions(查看源代码) Module:Editions/FullName(查看源代码) Module:Editions/ShortName(查看源代码) Module:Image area(查看源代码) Module:Infobox(查看源代码)(受保护) Module:Keys(查看源代码) ...
Once it’s close enough, a call from the Sculk Shrieker will summon the Warden nearby - be prepared! 如果距离足够近,幽匿尖啸器的呼叫会立刻在附近召唤监守者——请做好准备! Souls from mobs will spread through Sculk Veins and Sculk Blocks in random directions until they find a valid substrate...
COMMANDS命令PLACEPLACENew command that replaces placefeature and can place features, jigsaws, structures, and templates at a given location. Syntax:替换placefeature的新命令,可以在给定位置放置地物、拼图和结构。语法: place feature <feature> [pos] ...