1 在百度上键入spawn chunk reader ,点击其中的APP 进入其中的页面,选中其中的stronghold 2 导入自己的level.dat 或者地图种子seed,并选择自己的版本,即可获得三个末地传送门的地点,按着坐标找即可,希望大家玩的开心哦。
arrowKnockback = 冲击 crossbowMultishot = 多重射击 crossbowPiercing = 穿透 crossbowQuickCharge = 快速装填 curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = ...
12w18a 输入命令时游戏不再暂停。 12w21a 加入了/seed命令。 12w22a 加入了/defaultgamemode命令。 12w24a 加入了/publish命令。 12w25a 可在将世界开放到局域网时开关作弊模式。 12w27a 加入了/debug命令。 12w30a /gamemode 3改为/gamemode 0。 1.4.212w32a 加入了/difficulty、/gamerule、/spawnpoint和/weathe...
为minecraft:spawn_entity 加入了 spawn_item_event 事件,生成物品时会调用该事件 Attribute "speed_multiplier" in the "minecraft:boostable" component is now being parsed correctly from json file. Old behavior is maintained for "format_version" lower than 1.20 with 1.35 value rather than what the jso...
Stronghold stronghold Bastion Remnant bastion_remnant Desert pyramid desert_pyramid Nether Fossil nether_fossil Buried Treasure buried_treasure Woodland Mansion mansion Shipwreck shipwreck Ocean Monument monument Swamp hut swamp_hut Nether Fortress fortress ...
This set of apps allows you to easily view different map features and find points of interest in your minecraft world with just your map seed. Version support varies. Popular Biome Slime Chunk Village Overworld Dungeon Stronghold Mansion
/locate Stronghold要塞/locate Swamp_Hut女巫小屋/locate Village村庄mc服务器指令大全?一、我的世界服务器必备指令汇总1、/register:注册服务器指令2、/gc:查看服务器信息3、/rules: 查看服务器规则4、/essentials (reload/debug): 显示插件版本或者重新载入插件配置5、/backup:备份服务器,需要配置备份脚本6、/list...
However, there is a possibility of finding some Eyes of Ender inside of chests in the stronghold. It's best to be prepared with a surplus of Eyes of Ender before journeying forth. The 12 Eyes of Ender must be placed in the End Portal Frames surrounding the End Portal. Once all 12 ...
// find spawn and the first N strongholds #include "finders.h" #include <stdio.h> int main() { int mc = MC_1_18; uint64_t seed = 3055141959546LL; // Only the first stronghold has a position that can be estimated // (+/-112 blocks) without biome check. StrongholdIter sh; Pos...