This mod adds a container that holds a large amount of one type of item. 1種類のアイテムが大量に入るアイテムが追加されます。 StorageBox はチェストを作ろのと同じ形で、チェスト8個を並べると作れます。 Put in Storage Box : Colon KeyRemove from StorageBox : Shift + Colon Key If ...
Basic pulls from the top, pushes to the bottom Advanced can be configured to pull from any side and push to any side Configuration There is a lot of things you can change through mod's config Number of inventory and upgrade slots of each of the storage blocks ...
This would limit you to only being able to upgrade the box with that one stack upgrade but it’s a significant improvement on standard storage by far. This mod does require an additional API, Sophisticated Core, installed foundhere.
Download Refined Storage 23. Mekanism Image Credit: bradyaidanc/Curseforge If you thought previous technical mods were a bit over the top, then Mekanism will completely blow you away. This mod doesn’t care that the world of Minecraft is a simple place; it completely transforms it into a fut...
在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份。适用于正式版的 Mod 不兼容快照,且大多数 Mod 都不对每周快照...
才打了吸血鬼MOD 进别的图没事 进暮色没跑几步服务器直接重启,请问是什么原因呢--- Minecraft Crash Report ---WARNING: coremods are present: ClearMissingModsPlugin ([修正]ClearMissingMods-1.12.2-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) CoreMod ([前置]Aroma1997Core-1.12.2- Do not report to Forge...
Custom items with 'minecraft:record' now show the correct sound description in hover text and on playing in a Jukebox 使用minecraft:record 的自定义物品现在在悬浮提示中和在唱片机播放时会显示正确的声音描述 Custom items with 'minecraft:durability' and 'minecraft:repairable' can be combined to repair...
And crates are an expandable storage system that can be stacked into 5x5x5 cubic piles. They offer a broader capacity but the drawback is that only a random selection can be accessed each time you open them. There’s also a simpler cardboard box option that has limited uses but can also...
然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份。适用于正式版的Mod不兼容快照,且大多数Mod都不对每周快照提供支持。 Minecraft 1.16 仍未发布,20w17a 为其第 13 个预览版。
From granting XP drops to brushing to adding several new archaeological structures to explore and even tuff podiums to display your stuff, there's a lot packed into a small mod. The coolest part of the mod has to be the new relic items you can find via archaeology, which can give you ...