脚步声友好生物行走entity.iron_golem.step 铁傀儡:受损友好生物开裂程度增加entity.iron_golem.damage 铁傀儡:死亡友好生物死亡entity.iron_golem.death mob.irongolem.death mob.irongolem.walkstep2.00.8-1.216 攻击throw2.00.8-1.216 mob.irongolem.crackcrack2.00.8-1.016 mob.irongolem.repairrepair2.00.8-1.016...
如果此时史莱姆进入了水中,这时 SlimeFloat 的条件满足,打断 SlimeKeepOnJumping 并调用其 stop 方法,并将活跃目标设置为 SlimeFloat。 如果史莱姆察觉到了铁傀儡,那么优先级为 3 的 NearestAttackable 目标条件满足,并将史莱姆的攻击对象设置为铁傀儡。在下一次 AI 计算时,SlimeAttack 因为有攻击对象而满足条件,Slime...
Or you can just build your own iron golem, since they don’t attack you. Your choice, really. The Mutant Iron Golem Maybe you have heard of something called a mutant iron golem. But to be honest, that is just a mod thing, so don’t bother. No, really, you don’t want to have...
铁傀儡(Iron Golem)是高大强壮的友好生物,用于保护玩家和村民。 铁傀儡会随村庄一同生成。 在Java版中,无论村民在惊慌或是在交谈,它们都可以生成铁傀儡。当村民尝试生成一个铁傀儡时,系统最多会尝试十次,在以该村民为中心的17x13x17格范围内(村民所在位置的方块在x/
stop monster显示一些近期的刷怪记录 mocking禁止刷怪,但是这个指令还是会持续尝试刷怪 tracking [选项] [x1] [y1] [z1] [x2] [y2] [z2]刷怪追踪,需要不少的CPU算力,在你正在追踪时直接使用tracking也可以显示数据 选项 test重置当前刷怪追踪,开始新的追踪,重置漏斗计数 ...
reevaluate_description false Boolean true/false If true, the mob will stop being targeted if it stops meeting any conditions. Samples Axolotl JSON 複製 "minecraft:behavior.nearest_attackable_target": { "priority": 3, "must_see": true, "reselect_targets": ...
this.targetTasks.addTask(3, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityVillager.class, false)); this.targetTasks.addTask(3, new EntityAINearestAttackableTarget(this, EntityIronGolem.class, true)); } @Override public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { ...
Attack 1:(1 to 5 Hearts) Attack 2:(Levetation effect 10s) Attack 3:(Slowness II 20s) NB:the slowness one should be common to stop the player from reaching me Attack 4:(Wither I 10s) Attack 5:(Spawns 3-5 endmites) And Any Thing else that you can think of :) ...
They sometimes stop sprinting to stare at other villagers,[Java Edition only] the player, or an iron golem. If the iron golem is holding out a poppy, the children may cautiously take the flower from its hands. Baby villagers tend to group and chase one another around the village as ...
Iron Golem: Improved idle pose. Variation in attack. Pig: Idle animation added. Improved running. Fox: Improved running, walking, and jumping. Horse: Improved jumping. Mule and Donkey: Running animations added. Villager: Improved running. Now has three different sleeping positions. Cow: Improved ...