Zombie Villagers now have biome-specific and profession skin layers 僵尸村民现在有特定生物群系的专业多层皮肤 Bells may spawn in villages, with more functionality coming in a future update 钟可能会在村庄中生成,在未来的更新将会有更多的功能 Village Job Sites村民职业侧重(We've added in the basic bl...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
Villagers reside inside the caves within this hole, and numerous animals are spawning all about. 12. Templed – Best Minecraft Seeds Exclusively for the PS4 SeedVersion -5666551529492867 1.26 This is a fantastic seed because it features a village and a water temple so close to your spawn ...
In case you were feeling left out of the Java fun, this spawn area contains some of the coolest and most unique clashes of biomes. With snowy taiga surrounding a dark forest, the villagers have also been forced to shack up with a small Woodland Mansion, which makes me want to ask them...
Players can no longer eat food at full hunger in Survival mode (MCPE-60807) 生存模式下满饱食度时玩家不能再吃东西 (MCPE-60807) Sea Grass no longer spawns under Lily Pads during world generation to avoid breaking them 海草不再在睡莲下面生成,来避免睡莲被破坏 Villagers can no longer spam doors...
They behave like the villagers and can trade with the players. They don’t have a definite list of items to sell, and their spawning block is usually restricted to a radius of 48 blocks. This means each chunk of 48 blocks can only have one trader inside. ...
1. Villages: Villages are bustling communities populated by villagers. These structures can be found in various biomes and often contain houses, farms, and other useful buildings. Villages offer trading opportunities with villagers and may also have hidden loot in chests. 2. Temples: Temples come ...
This seed will throw you into the Badlands biome, a true test of survival. This biome is known for its lack of vegetation, animals, and resources. Moreover, you must be careful and take shelter before night falls. The reason is that once the hostile mobs start spawning, you won’t have...
Tweaked mob spawning in mountain and cave biomes to match the Java Edition side-snapshot 调整了山地和洞穴生物群系中的生物生成,与Java版实验性快照相匹配 Trees in swamps can now generate slightly deeper when in water 沼泽生物群系中可以在稍深的水中生成树木 ...
enable: false log-removals: true max-tile-entities-per-chunk: 100 check-period-in-ticks: 20 villager-limit: enable: false max-villagers-per-chunk: 25 log-removals: false # Check all chunks every x ticks. check-period-in-ticks: 600 # Professions that are in the top of the list are go...