Exposed Cave Spider Spawner:426, 417Savanna Village:-452, -916 Exposed Cave Spider Spawner 2:457, 398Pillager Outpost:-648, -1,000 12 - Blacksmith Town's Cavern Screenshot by Pro Game Guides Seed:-5806408227098751164 Bedrock players have the fortune of a Blacksmith village near the Spawn cave...
mob-spawner-tick-rate: 2(default 1) halve spawn frequency from spawners for lighter CPU load disable-chest-cat-detection: true(default false) cats don't prevent chests from opening, for less irritation and lighter CPU load hopper.cooldown-when-full: true(default true) ...
Players are welcome to ask an Admin to evaluate their spawner setup for any obvious concernswith the understanding that those concerns could change at a later date. Additional note: Several staff were approached to provide guidance on this topic at the time of writing and they deferred as they...
tick-inactive-villagers: false nerf-spawner-mobs: true arrow-despawn-rate: 300 trident-despawn-rate: 300 Paper-world-defaults.yml max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick: 6 optimize-explosions: true disable-chest-cat-detection: true max-entity-collisions: 2 container-update: 3 grass-spread: 4 mob-spawn...
overworld. Typically, your best chance of finding them above ground are in Mesa/Badlands biomes. However, this seed has a rare spider spawner exposed on the surface of a Plains biome. The location of this spawner serves as a great opportunity to make a mob farm and build a village around...
Monster spawner traps Allay Animals Axolotl Blaze Cat Cave spider Creeper Drowned Ender dragon Enderman Frog Goat Guardian Hoglin Iron golem Magma cube Phantom Piglin bartering farm Raid Shulker Slime Squid Turtle Villager Wandering trader Warden Witch Wither Wither skeleton Zombie Zombie villager Zombifie...
Mob Spawner Control (by Pyrofab) Switch-Bow (by White_Draco) Tool Belt (by gigaherz) Tough As Nails (by Glitchfiend) Traverse (by ProspectorDev) Tree Chopper (by DuchLord) TschippLib (by Tschipp) Varied Commodities (by Noppes) Waystones (BlayTheNinth) ...
Mob Spawners Are Limited- With the number of new dungeons that rely on mob spawners, farming would become far too easy. I had a custom mod made just for this modpack as a result (big thanks to Pyroform!) which allowed me to control how Mob Spawner works. In this modpack, Mob Spawne...
Before the body of Red was corrupted, Red throws a Pig spawner egg as a substitute god, the souls put carrots on top of Yellow's body to guide it, and the possessed bodies try to kill the pig, until the pig was propelled to hit Yellow's body on the head and dislodge the Orb. ...
If your farm has an enormous amount of sheep, they turn all of the grass inside of the farm into dirt, so a few neighboring grass blocks should be placed outside of reach of your sheep so that the dirt inside of your pen can turn back into grass without running the risk of getting ...