After the rewards have been ejected, the Trial Spawner goes into cooldown for 30 minutes during ...
flying-vehicle: <lang:multiplayer.disconnect.flying> # 发现玩家乘坐飞行器(2b2t飞船?)时显示给玩家的警告 no-permission: <red>I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error. # 没有权限时显示给玩...
#Fri Jul3112:30:46CST2020spawn-protection=16max-tick-time=60000query.port=25565generator-settings=sync-chunk-writes=trueforce-gamemode=falseallow-nether=trueenforce-whitelist=falsegamemode=survival broadcast-console-to-ops=trueenable-query=falseplayer-...
A question or future idea regarding the generators (Mobs spawner), the ones in structures/dungeons, that generate the mob they have inside, I wanted to know if this feature would apply, for example that there is light level 6 for example (or light level 0 to 7) and that the mob genera...
SpawnReason现在有两个方法:isAnySpawner(刷怪笼或试炼刷怪笼)和isTrialSpawner。canSpawn方法应该检查isAnySpawner,并使实体免除原先在自然生成时的生物群系或高度要求。 Client 加入了PopupScreen。这个屏幕,不像其他屏幕,是渲染在已有屏幕上的。这个弹窗可以包括消息、图片和按钮(例如“打开链接”)。要创建实例,使用...
enable-command-block=false# 是否启用命令方块max-players=20# 最大玩家数network-compression-threshold=256resource-pack-sha1=# 资源包的sha1哈希max-world-size=29999984# 最大世界大小(单位)取决于worldbounder位置,设置为1000允许玩家在2000*2000范围内function-permission-level=2# 数据包函数权限等级rcon.port=...
I emptied a Guardian spawner of water to use it as my "Home"... laid down a bed and slept. Later, I decided I didn't like the location of the bed, so I repositioned it so that I could start making a cobble generator... before I could sleep in my bed's new position, I died...
行157-gui.xaero_wm_player_teleport_command ✔ quarryplus Mod Domain 验证通过。 ⚠ 警告:PR 中 quarryplus-1.18 的中英文语言文件不对应。 英文语言文件有 66 个 Key 多于中文语言文件。例如: 行5-block.quarryplus.adv_quarry 行6-block.quarryplus.creative_generator 行7-block.quarryplus.dummy 行...
Prevent Mob Eggs from Changing Spawners:Prevents using Mob Spawner Eggs to change what a Spawner is spawning Prevent Observer Activating on Placement:Controls if the observer activates itself on the first tick when it is placed Prevent Placing Buckets in Portals:Prevents placing of liquid source bloc...
parent_generator: a name of another world generator provided by another plugin (i.e. Fjord), the world generation will attempt to do that one first, and then add islands to it. Adding custom ores (V3.0+): 1. Make an ores folder in /plugin/IsleWorldGen/, where your config.yml is....