give HL9_ pig_spawn_egg{EntityTag:{id:"minecraft:interaction",height:100f,width:100f,interaction:test,CustomName:'[{"text":""}]'},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attack_damage",Name:"noName",Amount:888888888888d,Operation:0,UUID:[I;7924,3511,5168,7929]},{AttributeName:"generic...
/setblock 放置方块, /setworldspawn 设置出生点 /spawnpoint 设置重生点, /spreadplayers 随机分散实体, /stats 探测命令执行结果, /stopsound 停止音效, /summon 生成实体, /tag 修改实体标签, /team 修改队伍, /teleport 传送实体(和tp有点区别), /tell 发私信, /tellraw 发送高级信息, /testfor 探测实体 ...
Level spawn location: World: (-292,64,140), Chunk: (at 12,4,12 in -19,8; contains blocks -304,0,128 to -289,255,143), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511)Level time: 7755694 game time, 5525844 day time 4楼2015-10-16 00:...
Villagers are live in village They are also the most complex mob in the game, expressing a vast array of behaviors. Villagers can be found in every type of village, which can spawn in several biomes such as plains, snowy plains, savannas, deserts, taigas
/execute positioned 2.4 -1.1 3.8 align yxz run spawnpoint @p ~ ~ ~:当前执行位置为(2.4, -1.1, 3.8),将最近玩家的出生点设置为(2, -2, 3)。 /execute align y run tp ~ ~ ~:把自己的Y坐标微调,向下取整。anchored将执行基准点设置为实体的脚部或眼部,默认为脚部。语法...
/setworldspawn设置世界出生点。 /spawnpoint为玩家设置出生点。 /spreadplayers将实体传送到随机位置。 /stopsound 停止音效。 /summon 生成实体。 /tag 修改玩家或实体的标签。 /teleport /tp的替代命令,传送实体。 /tell 向另一玩家发送私信。 /tellraw向玩家显示JSON消息。 /testfor 统计符合给定...
设置出生点指令:/spawnpoint ID xyz坐标 --- 杀死指令:/kill 实体 例:/kill @e[name=k] 杀死名叫K的实体 --- 游戏规则: /gamerule 是=true 否=false 参数:commandBlockOutput 命令方块执行是否提示 doDaylightCycle 时间是否流动 doFireTick 火线是否蔓延 doMobLoot 怪物物品是否掉落 doMobSpawning 怪物是...
设置出生点指令:/spawnpointIDxyz坐标 --- 杀死指令:/kill实体 例:/kill@e[name=k]杀死名叫K的实体 --- 游戏规则:/gamerule 是=true 否=false 参数: commandBlockOutput命令方块执行是否提示 doDaylightCycle时间是否流动 doFireTick火线是否蔓延 doMobLoot怪物物品是否掉落 doMobSpawning怪物是否...
454 villager_spawn_egg 480 vindicator_spawn_egg 106 vine 177 wall_banner 68 wall_sign 498 wandering_trader_spawn_egg 701 ward_armor_trim_smithing_template 648 warden_spawn_egg -261 warped_button 633 warped_door -267 warped_double_slab -257 warped_fence -259 warped_fence_ga...
Mobs can spawn in a space occupied by a door. The sound of opening and closing of a door can be heard up to 16 blocks away, like most mob sounds. When placed using the /setblock command, only one half of a door is placed, because doors are actually two separate blocks. The lowe...