Type the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press theEnterkey to run the command. Once the cheat has been entered, the tamed wolf wearing a collar will spawn and appear in your world: You will ...
为minecraft:spawn_entity 加入了 spawn_item_event 事件,生成物品时会调用该事件 Attribute "speed_multiplier" in the "minecraft:boostable" component is now being parsed correctly from json file. Old behavior is maintained for "format_version" lower than 1.20 with 1.35 value rather than what the jso...
The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player's ...
Learning Journey Concepts Game Logic Assets and Sound Worlds and Cameras Entities and Particles Items and Recipes Blocks Tools and Libraries Reference Documentation Commands Script APIs minecraft/common minecraft/server-ui minecraft/server Behavior Pack JSON Files ...
import{ DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftEntityTypes, MinecraftEffectTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionquickFoxLazyDog(log: (message:string, status?:number) =>void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constfox = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes...
消除警报 版本 Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 ...
callback: (arg:WatchdogTerminateBeforeEvent) =>void 重要 This function can't be called in read-only mode. 意見反應 即將登場:在 2024 年,我們將逐步淘汰 GitHub 問題作為內容的意見反應機制,並將它取代為新的意見反應系統。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱:https://aka.ms/ContentUserFeedback。
To get Tamed Ravrite Nest you need to kill Ravrite Queen. It's a boss that can spawn itself in Kingdom of Amber in Ravrite Nest structure or be spawned when Amberwood Ravrite Nest block is broken with 5% chance. To kill her you need to attack Ravrites around her. She's didn't ...
"Dog" redirects here. For the music track, see Minecraft - Volume Alpha.A wolf is a neutral mob that can be tamed and used to assist in combat with most hostile mobs. Advertisement Spawning Wolves spawn naturally above grass blocks, dirt, coarse dirt, snow blocks or podzol in forests, ...
"item.changed.latex_squid_dog_female_spawn_egg": "乌贼犬(雌性)刷怪蛋", "item.changed.latex_squid_dog_male_spawn_egg": "乌贼犬(雄性)刷怪蛋", "item.changed.latex_shark_female_spawn_egg": "雌性融合胶液鲨鱼刷怪蛋", "item.changed.latex_shark_male_spawn_egg": "雄性融合胶液鲨鱼刷怪蛋"...