Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia ...
Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia ...
@e[family=mob,family=!monster]— 选择所有不是攻击型生物的生物(例如:会选中牛和猪,但不会选中僵尸和骷髅)。 @e[family=monster,family=undead]— 选择所有是亡灵生物的攻击型生物(例如:会选中僵尸和骷髅,但不会选中苦力怕和末影人)。 通过NBT选择目标[仅Java版] [nbt=<NBT>]— 选择具有指定NBT的所有目标。
minecraft:end_gateway 末地折跃门方块 minecraft:repeating_command_block 循环型命令方块 minecraft:chain_command_block 连锁型命令方块 minecraft:frosted_ice 霜冰 minecraft:structure_block 结构方块 minecraft:iron_shovel 铁锹 minecraft:iron_pickaxe 铁镐 minecraft:iron_axe 铁斧 minecraft:flint_and_steel 打火石...
Level spawn location: World: (557,63,361), Chunk: (at 13,3,9 in 34,22; contains blocks 544,0,352 to 559,255,367), Region: (1,0; contains chunks 32,0 to 63,31, blocks 512,0,0 to 1023,255,511)Level time: 96649237 game time, 97850040 day timeLevel dimension: 0Level storage...
Zombie villagers also spawn naturally in the Overworld in the same conditions as a normal zombie, although much less commonly, with a 5% chance. Zombie villagers also spawn in abandoned villages (zombie villages) and igloos. They do not spawn from the zombie monster spawner. Wandering trader...
CMD/Command,本教程中泛指Microsoft Windows的命令提示符。 如果你是Windows用户,按下 Win+R,输入cmd后回车,弹出的窗口就是 CMD 在CMD 中,你可以运行程序,设定命令行参数。 *nix Shell 是什么? *nix 是unix-like的意思。包含了基于Linux,Unix内核开发的发行版(「macos 基于unix哦」) ...
To disable mobs and structures, the game rules are used before the creation of the world or with the help of the command /gamerule in the game itself. Also, for configuration, you can try using mods such asBorn In Configuration,Bad Mobs,In ControlorSpawn Balance Utility ...
monster-spawns: 5 water-spawns: 11 water-ambient-spawns: 21 water-underground-creature-spawns: 11 ambient-spawns: 31 autosave: 6000 Spigot.yml save-user-cache-on-stop-only: true max-tick-time: tile: 10 entity: 20 mob-spawn-range: 6 ...