ravager = 生成劫掠兽 iron_golem = 生成铁傀儡 snow_golem = 生成雪傀儡 ocelot = 生成豹猫 parrot = 生成鹦鹉 horse = 生成马 llama = 生成羊驼 trader_llama = 生成行商羊驼 polar_bear = 生成北极熊 donkey = 生成驴 mule = 骡刷怪蛋 skeleton_horse = 生成骷髅马 zombie_horse = 生成僵尸马 zombie ...
Tweaked Iron Golem spawning logic to better match Java Edition 调整了铁傀儡的生成机制,现在会更近似于Java版 Axolotls now spawn only when there is stone up to 10 blocks under them, and not inside bubble columns 美西螈现在只会生成在10格内有石头且没有气泡柱的地方 Collecting Fish or Axolotl with...
Villagers can summon an iron golem regardless of their profession (including nitwits) or latest working time. In Bedrock Edition, a golem can spawn if there are at least 20 beds and 10 villagers. All villagers in the village must have a bed, and a profession with access to the profession...
95 invisible_bedrock 300 iron_axe 101 iron_bars 42 iron_block 349 iron_boots 347 iron_chestplate 375 iron_door 511 iron_golem_spawn_egg 346 iron_helmet 334 iron_hoe 543 iron_horse_armor 307 iron_ingot 348 iron_leggings 581 iron_nugget 15 iron_ore 299 iron_pickaxe...
Removed the spawning featureagain, in order for Mutants to naturally spawn and not get bugged out 90% of the mutants were reworked to their appearance, behaviors, and animations: Mutant Iron Golem (GRUG): Has a new appearance, much stronger than before and more useful. ...
鸡:Chicken牛:Cow猪:pig羊:sheep(当用名称为“jeb_”的命名牌对着羊使用时,羊毛会一直变色)鱿鱼:Squid海龟:Turtle Horse(马)Ocelot(豺猫)rabbit(兔子)Mooshroom(哞菇)洞穴蜘蛛CaveSpiderWolf(狼)Guardian(守卫者)ElderGuardian(远古守卫者) SnowGolem雪傀儡?IronGolem(铁傀儡)?iron铁EnderD...
Download Bedrock Plus.mcaddon and open with Minecraft. If playing on a realm, download the Realms version. Make sure you activate the behaviour and resource pack in your world settings as well! If you've just downloaded the updated version, you will need to delete/deactivate the old version...
全局刷怪群系 (spawnBiome) 全局刷怪群系,会影响整个游戏,DEFAULT 为默认 类型: enum 默认值: DEFAULT 参考选项: DESERT, PLAINS 分类: PCA, feature 快速叶子腐烂 (quickLeafDecay) 在砍树后树叶会快速掉落 类型: boolean 默认值: false 参考选项: true, false 分类: PCA, feature 墓碑(gravestone) 玩家死亡...
and keep themselves busy during the daytime, but scurry indoors once the sun sets, or else they will be attacked by zombies and other creatures. Hostile mobs will proceed to break down the doors to reach the villagers. In larger villages, an iron golem may spawn that can protect the ...
查找方法:先在.minecraft\assets\index\1.18.json中查找minecraft/lang/zh_cn.json,然后根据hash在.minecraft\assets\objects里面找对应的文件。 比如这里是9fabbc798786c7b7364902b31bdb37c2c037e9b8,那么它就在9f文件夹中。找到后用文本编辑器打开,里面都是unicode编码,直接copy到浏览器F12控制台就能看到,这里转换了...