Bamboo Button 竹按钮 Bamboo Door 竹门 Bamboo Fence 竹栅栏 Bamboo Fence Gate 竹栅栏门 Bamboo Hanging Sign 悬挂式竹告示牌 Bamboo Mosaic 竹马赛克 Bamboo Mosaic Slab 竹马赛克台阶 Bamboo Mosaic Stairs 竹马赛克楼梯 Bamboo Planks 竹板 Bamboo Pressure Plate 竹压力板 Bamboo Shoot 竹笋 Bamboo Sign 竹告示牌...
minecraft:vault minecraft:verdant_froglight minecraft:vine minecraft:wall_banner minecraft:wall_sign minecraft:warped_button minecraft:warped_door minecraft:warped_double_slab minecraft:warped_fence minecraft:warped_fence_gate minecraft:warped_fungus minecraft:warped_hanging_sign minecraft:warped_hyphae minecraft...
A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in trees or huge fungi, primarily used as a building block, and to create planks, a versatile crafting ingredient. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry
movement of boats (for example, a door placed in a two-wide water flow stops a boat when perpendicular to the flow, but allow it to move again when parallel), items and minecarts (a door can stop a falling item or minecart, then allow it to drop again when the door moves), etc. ...
6. The Vault & Ominous Vault Thevault in Minecraftis a block you can open with the trial key. It will then spit out items onto itself that you can pick up. Every player that opens the vault will be rewarded, but only once.
Has an Ominous Vault variant, unlockable through an Ominous Trial COPPER FAMILY The Copper family of blocks has been expanded to add: Chiseled Copper Copper Grate Copper Bulb Copper Door Copper Trapdoor Oxidized and waxed variants of all of the above ...
·small_particle:爆炸所散发的最小粒子。 ·large_particle:爆炸所散发的最大粒子。 ·sound:爆炸所产生的声音事件。 ·ignite:点燃效果。该实体效果将会对实体施加给定时间的燃烧效果。附带字段: ·duration:一个等级以来函数,表示燃烧所持续的秒数 ·play_sound:声音播放效果。该实体效果将会播放一段声音。附带字段...
Vault Door All Missiles All Nukes Solinium Bomb Concrete Taint Every Gui Most Items and Blocks New Mechanics: Nuke, Balefire and Fallout Chunkloading The big doors are now radiation proof and they open via redstone Very fast nuke and fallout Dropped radioactive powders contamin...
Vault 这个是作为一个前置,下载地址:Vault | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft EssentialsX EssentialsX下载地址:EssentialsX | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft下载 - EssentialsX (也可以cd到服务器的plugins目录下 输入wget
point. You’ll find 11 villages within 1000 blocks only that include lots of food, as well as workstation blocks and resources. But in addition to the crazy number of villages around, there are also plenty of trial chambers nearby with different hostile mobs and vault and ominous vault loot...